Apr 012008

Did you see that Caribou had to cancel its Charlottesville, VA show? They just passed through Philly, and I heard they rocked! Too bad for our friends in Charlottesville. Something to do with an injury. Hope no one was injured too bad in the band. Have you ever attended a show that was cancelled?

The Embarrassment or Dumptruck?

What’s your favorite Portastatic song for a Saturday night? How about for a Sunday morning?

Destroyer‘s latest is probably their strongest release to date. Will Dan Bejar‘s brainchild be to The New Pornographers what Jeff Lynne‘s brainchild, ELO, was to The Move?

The Embarrassment or Volcano Suns?

After Spoon, what’s your favorite band named after tableware?

Volcano Suns or Big Dipper? Gotta love the new Dipper set! They’re like nerds who rock while singing about UFOs and shit. They were indie before indie was just a marketing label.

After Merge Records (like, duh!), what’s your favorite indie label?

I look forward to your responses!


  6 Responses to “Dugout Chatter”

  1. Did you see that Caribou had to cancel its Charlottesville, VA show? They just passed through Philly, and I heard they rocked! Too bad for our friends in Charlottesville. Something to do with an injury. Hope no one was injured too bad in the band. Have you ever attended a show that was cancelled?

    Yeah I saw that on Pitchfork earlier. I guess it looks like Dave Matthews won’t be able to see Caribou this time around. 🙂 In all seriousness, the show here was indeed awesome!

    The Embarrassment or Dumptruck?

    The Embarassment only because I’m not really familiar with Dumptruck.

    What’s your favorite Portastatic song for a Saturday night? How about for a Sunday morning?

    I don’t know their catalog well enough to answer that one. I saw them open for Rilo Kiley once and they blew the headliners off the stage, though!

    Destroyer’s latest is probably their strongest release to date. Will Dan Bejar’s brainchild be to The New Pornographers what Jeff Lynne’s brainchild, ELO, was to The Move?

    He’s way more eccentric than Jeff Lynne, though, and even though he’s not the main songwriter like Roy Wood was in The Move, I would still liken Destroyer more to Wizzard than to ELO. Honestly I have a very hard time with Destroyer though I love his songs on the NP albums.

    The Embarrassment or Volcano Suns?

    Again The Embarassment because despite my love for Mission of Burma, I can’t say I’ve ever knowingly heard a Volcano Suns song.

    After Spoon, what’s your favorite band named after tableware?

    The Knife and Fork Band, of course! I’ve gotta give props to Swedish electro-poppers The Knife, too. Oh there was a ’90s emo hardcore band called Spork, too.

    Volcano Suns or Big Dipper? Gotta love the new Dipper set! They’re like nerds who rock while singing about UFOs and shit. They were indie before indie was just a marketing label.

    Big Dipper because of my lack of Volcano Suns knowledge, though I’ve yet to get that 3 CD Matador set.

    After Merge Records (like, duh!), what’s your favorite indie label?

    Kill Rock Stars, In the Red, Anti, Dischord, Touch and Go and Matador are the ones that immediately come to mind, though I’m sure there are others I’m forgetting now, too.

  2. trolleyvox

    Did you see that Caribou had to cancel its Charlottesville, VA show?


    They just passed through Philly, and I heard they rocked!

    They totally blew my mind. Best show I’ve seen in ages. A fantastic melding of 60’s psychedelic pop, indie rock, drone, and Mitch Mitchell-esque drumming–from two drummers. Very structured, planned stuff, synched with a light show. No jamming, no attitude, no reliance on ironic stance or gesture, just real wonderful intensity and no a few moments of glorious “peaking”. Melodic AND heavy. See them if you can. Friends I went with have caught them before, but apparently, they are playing at a whole new level on this tour. I was beginning to think that I’d seen a lot of great shows in my late teens/20’s because I was young and that now that I’m a geezer, the manic pop thrill is gone. Turns out that’s not true at all!

    Too bad for our friends in Charlottesville. Something to do with an injury.

    Well that totally sucks.

    Hope no one was injured too bad in the band. Have you ever attended a show that was cancelled?

    Belle and Sebastian. Waited around for hours at the sold-out Troc. The cellist (I think) was sick and they refused to play without her.

    The Embarrassment or Dumptruck?

    Apples and Oranges.

    What’s your favorite Portastatic song for a Saturday night? How about for a Sunday morning?

    Saturday night: I Wanna Know Girls
    Sunday morning: Naked Pilseners

    Destroyer’s latest is probably their strongest release to date. Will Dan Bejar’s brainchild be to The New Pornographers what Jeff Lynne’s brainchild, ELO, was to The Move?

    I haven’t heard much Destroyer, but I only like about 4 NP songs, so your scenario sounds likely.

    The Embarrassment or Volcano Suns?

    Ooh, that’s a tough one.

    After Spoon, what’s your favorite band named after tableware?

    Knife and Fork band. Not a giant Dixie Cups fan.

    Volcano Suns or Big Dipper? Gotta love the new Dipper set! They’re like nerds who rock while singing about UFOs and shit. They were indie before indie was just a marketing label.

    I do need to hear that comp.

    After Merge Records (like, duh!), what’s your favorite indie label?

    Do I detect a note of sarcasm about Merge bands in this post, Mr. Mod? They have a pretty darned high batting average. Today, I’m going to say Kranky Records. Fallen Flags-wise, I was a big Cherry Red fan at one point.

  3. 1. Yes, the Lilys circa 1997. They just plain never showed up.

    2. Embos

    3. Sat: their cover of “St Elmos Fire” Sun: one of the more bossa novaish tunes.

    3. No, they’re the Move to the NPs’ ELO: too determinedly weird for mass success, no matter how weird they are. Big Ups for the Hello Blue Roses album, too.

    4. Gotta say Volcano Suns

    5. Spoon sucks. The Knife.

    6. Dipper!

    7. Now and forever, Cherry Red.

  4. Mr. Moderator

    Tvox, there was not a drop of sarcasm intended in my Merge-themed Dugout Chatter. They put out a lot of good stuff. The only thing I was joking about with the “well, duh!” was the fact that it was a Merge-themed Dugout Chatter. I had hoped it was clear by that point.

  5. 2000 Man

    Did you see that Caribou had to cancel its Charlottesville, VA show? They just passed through Philly, and I heard they rocked! Too bad for our friends in Charlottesville. Something to do with an injury. Hope no one was injured too bad in the band. Have you ever attended a show that was cancelled?

    I did not know. Do I like Caribou? I went to see Grand Funk and they cancelled because of a snowstorm. We made it, but we were about the only people on the road. It was great the next night, which was my birthday.

    The Embarrassment or Dumptruck?

    I’m with Berlyant but I go with Dumptruck. I like them, but know nothing about The Embarrassment.

    What’s your favorite Portastatic song for a Saturday night? How about for a Sunday morning?

    So far, I haven’t liked Portastatic at all.

    Destroyer’s latest is probably their strongest release to date. Will Dan Bejar’s brainchild be to The New Pornographers what Jeff Lynne’s brainchild, ELO, was to The Move?

    Wouldn’t Destroyer have to sell an awful lot of records to become ELO likie? I don’t see it happening.

    The Embarrassment or Volcano Suns?


    After Spoon, what’s your favorite band named after tableware?

    I don’t think I have one.

    Volcano Suns or Big Dipper? Gotta love the new Dipper set! They’re like nerds who rock while singing about UFOs and shit. They were indie before indie was just a marketing label.

    I guess Big Dipper. That is a great set, and I’ve enjoyed hearing a brand new (for me) band that I found out about right here.

    After Merge Records (like, duh!), what’s your favorite indie label?

    I think everything I’ve ever heard on Estrus is fantastic, so I’ll go with them.

  6. BigSteve

    1. There’s no mention of this on the Caribou website. I’m going to make sure I see him when he comes here at the end of the month, especially since I’ve had the flu and was too sick to see Carbon/Silicon on Saturday. The time I saw caribou a few years ago he had weird animated projections behind him that were somehow synced to the music. I couldn’t figure out how he did it.

    I once tried to see the Waitresses and they kept us there till way past midnight before refunding our money, despite repeated demands and near violence, I assume they had a van breakdown and were desperate for some income, but it was a drag. I never did find out what happened and never did see them play.

    2. I haven’t heard either in ages, but I remember liking Dumptruck.

    3. I’ve liked what little Portastatic I’ve heard, but I’m not that knowledgeable.

    4. I’m a moderate pornophile. But not enough to pursue an ELO metaphor.

    5. I haven’t heard either in ages, but I remember liking Volcano Suns.

    6. The Philip Glass Ensemble.

    7. Please watch Mr. Mod. I’m afraid the next thing we know he’s going to be plastering lampposts with flyers for the new Big Dipper CD, now that it’s “dropped.”

    8. Groves Disques! But of course!

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