Nov 082011

You know the drill: Dugout Chatter is Rock Town Hall’s rapid-fire thread that requires nothing more than your gut answers! Don’t think too long. Don’t think too hard. Perhaps you shouldn’t think at all. No one’s an expert on the topics that follow. Just answer the questions.

If you have to listen to one, do you choose “scary” music (eg, Vampire Rock) or “funny” music?

If you could add a dedicated second musician playing a particular instrument to the works of a 1-man band album (eg, some McCartney and Rundgren albums), which instrument would you have played by a second musician on which artist’s release? (Sorry, that may be the most convoluted question in Dugout Chatter history.)

Which musician should consider sticking to his or her secondary instrument (eg, as Phil Collins did after becoming a lead vocalist)?

With its frequent use in advertising campaigns it could be argued that The Faces‘ “Ooh La La” is not the band’s best-known song. This song was sung by the band’s tertiary vocalist, Ron Wood. Can you think of another band whose best-known song is sung by even a secondary vocalist?

If we were to design a Rock Town Hall app what would it do?

Speaking on behalf of Oats and bostonhistorian, I look forward to your answers.


  29 Responses to “Dugout Chatter”

  1. 1. “Scary” music, I guess, given all the Nick Cave I listen to. I love humor in music — The Kinks, Randy Newman — but I don’t consider that “funny” music.

    2. tap-dance shoes

    3. Jon Brion could probably make a decent living as a drummer.

    4. This one’s easy: Squeeze’s “Tempted.”

    5. Whatever it was apps did back in 1981.

  2. “Tempted” – of course!

  3. 1. Scary music I guess.

    2. Add a dedicated second musician playing a particular instrument to the works of a 1-man band album.

    I liked when Karl Wallenger brought in Jeff Trott on guitar.
    And maybe Skip Spence could have brought in someone like Mo Tucker on drums for Oar.

    3. Which musician should consider sticking to his or her secondary instrument (eg, as Phil Collins did after becoming a lead vocalist)?
    I’m sure I’ll think of a better example but for now Captain Sensible

    4. Best-known song is sung by even a secondary vocalist?
    Train In Vain

    5. If we were to design a Rock Town Hall app what would it do?
    Allow me to keep in touch with you guys while “taking the browns to the superbowl.”

  4. Happiness Stan

    1. Funny music, although I’ve always thought that Leonard Cohen’s music has a rich vein of humour which others I know seem to miss.
    2. I would have liked to have heard Viv Stanshall on tuba accompanying Nick Drake’s Pink Moon
    3. Linda McCartney was better at handclaps than as a backing vocalist. (I’m not sure which way around this question is intended to be phrased).
    4. The Beatles – Yellow Submarine – if it’s not the only Beatles song our kids know then it was certainly the first, it’s imprinted into the British psyche like the writing through seaside rock. With A Little Help From My Friends is as over-used as any other Fabs song also.
    5. An app, I had one of those the other afternoon.

  5. “Scary” music (eg, Vampire Rock) or “funny” music?

    I like the will Oldham quite a bit, but I’m going for funny. I like my pop to be poppy. Plus, Spike Jones makes me LOL.

    Which instrument would you have played by a second musician on which artist’s release?

    I’m going to give a convoluted answer: I would love to go into a studio and have Abe Laboriel Jr. (Macca’s current touring drummer) redub all the drum parts to McCartney and Band on the Run. While Macca is a sufficient drummer just take one listen to a recent live recording/performance of “Let Me Roll It” and try to tell me that Abe doesn’t up the ante on that one. That dude’s a beast and he’s one of the best things about seeing Paul live in the last ten years.

    Which musician should consider sticking to his or her secondary instrument?

    That’s easy! Sting on lute.

    Can you think of another band whose best-known song is sung by even a secondary vocalist?

    I guess The Beatles don’t count since all their songs are well-known. “Tempted” is a GREAT one. I thought for years that “Just What I Needed” was sung by Ric Okasek until I saw Live Aid.

    If we were to design a Rock Town Hall app what would it do?

    It would cross reference every know recorded version of a particular song and who played on it and what year it was released.


  6. “That’s easy! Sting on lute.” hee hee!

  7. hrrundivbakshi

    HapStan said:

    5. An app, I had one of those the other afternoon.

    I say: Mockcarr, you been out-mocked!

  8. 1) I’ll take “scary” music. It’s usually funnier than “funny” music.

    2) Agreed that a drummer who could keep a beat would have helped Oar.

    3) Gregg Allman on guitar.

    4) Strawberry Alarm Clock, “Incense and Peppermints” – sung by a friend of the band.

    5) An app that would allow the user to remove horns from 1980’s recordings.

  9. shawnkilroy

    If you have to listen to one, do you choose “scary” music (eg, Vampire Rock) or “funny” music?


    If you could add a dedicated second musician playing a particular instrument to the works of a 1-man band album (eg, some McCartney and Rundgren albums), which instrument would you have played by a second musician on which artist’s release? (Sorry, that may be the most convoluted question in Dugout Chatter history.)

    I’d have Edward Van Halen riffing all over Moby’s Play

    Which musician should consider sticking to his or her secondary instrument (eg, as Phil Collins did after becoming a lead vocalist)?


    With its frequent use in advertising campaigns it could be argued that The Faces‘ “Ooh La La” is not the band’s best-known song. This song was sung by the band’s tertiary vocalist, Ron Wood. Can you think of another band whose best-known song is sung by even a secondary vocalist?

    Mission of Burma? not sure.

    If we were to design a Rock Town Hall app what would it do?

    come up with decent answers to challenging Dugout Chatters.

  10. As for your final answer, kilroy, you must have been testing out a beta version of the app for your Mission of Burma answer. That’s a good one!

  11. shawnkilroy

    thanks homie!

  12. BigSteve

    1. I’m on record as disliking comedy music, but I like music with a sense of humor. I like serious too, but not doomy. The recent Halloween season reminded me that the whole goth thing leaves me cold. I mean, it leaves me in the dark. No that’s not right either. Anyway I lack the goth gene.

    2. What all one-man-bands need more than another musician is an editor. Someone to say no.

    The King might still be with us, if he’d only stuck with the bass.

    4. The previous suggestions have been great. It’s not their most famous song, but at one time REM’s Superman with bassist Mike Mills on lead vocals was one of their most famous songs.

    5. An RTH app would pull out the pince nez or the cop-out image with a single keystroke.

  13. 2000 Man

    If you have to listen to one, do you choose “scary” music (eg, Vampire Rock) or “funny” music?

    I don’t know what Vampire Rock is, so I’m gonna go with funny.

    If you could add a dedicated second musician playing a particular instrument to the works of a 1-man band album (eg, some McCartney and Rundgren albums), which instrument would you have played by a second musician on which artist’s release? (Sorry, that may be the most convoluted question in Dugout Chatter history.)

    I would add Janet Weiss to play drums on Paul Westerberg’s solo albums. A kick ass drummer would really help him out. Patrick Carney could do it if Janet’s busy.

    Which musician should consider sticking to his or her secondary instrument (eg, as Phil Collins did after becoming a lead vocalist)?

    Steven Tyler should just stay on TV.

    With its frequent use in advertising campaigns it could be argued that The Faces‘ “Ooh La La” is not the band’s best-known song. This song was sung by the band’s tertiary vocalist, Ron Wood. Can you think of another band whose best-known song is sung by even a secondary vocalist?


    If we were to design a Rock Town Hall app what would it do?

    It would Rock! And if you were Rocking Out incorrectly to it, it would let you know. Politely, of course.

  14. diskojoe

    1. As an old Dr. Demento fan, I got to go w/the funny.

    2. How about adding bass to the White Stripes?

    3. Pass

    4. How about “Barbara Ann” by the Beach Boys, where the lead vocal was by someone who wasn’t even in the band, Jan from Jan & Dean

    5. What’s an app?

  15. 1. Funny — I am “anti-negativity” these days — so I like funny songs much more than gloom and doom — I am thinking of certain knee-slapper cuts by Warren Zevon, Fountains of Wayne, Randy Newman, John Hiatt, The Replacements, Zappa, John Wesley Harding, Nellie McKay. These are probably more in the Garrison Keillor humorist mode than Ray Stevens.

    2. Westerberg started playing all the instruments on his last couple of solo albums — they need a kick in the ass by Jim Keltner or somebody on drums. Just saw Keltner on the George Harrison doc and he looked great!

    3. I would like to hear Mike Love actually play this:

    4. This is a tough one — good call on Tempted. “Don’t Look Back in Anger” sung by Noel is much beloved by fans and always got the biggest crowd reaction at the Oasis shows I attended. (BTW — Noel’s new album is worth checking out)

    5. Using new “mp3 crawling technology” the RTH app would find good new rock songs imbedded in the dozens of new releases each week and make a nice tidy playlist to stream over all our RTH-supplied tablets.

  16. >> “4. Best-known song is sung by even a secondary vocalist?
    Train In Vain”

    “Should I Stay or Should I Go”?


  17. bostonhistorian

    “Speaking on behalf of Oats and bostonhistorian, I look forward to your answers.”

    Wait, what?

  18. System of a Down, scary how funny that shit is

    Ringo on Macca’s Chaos & Creation. Mediocre songs with a production I really like. Would’ve been more interesting with Richie on drums.

    How about Clapton sticking to guitar when he was going through his awful top 40 stage?

    Guns of Brixton

    How about an app that will control the volume on co-workers computers that listen to shitty music at work?

  19. Bronzed Nordic God

    1. How ’bout scary funny? Something like Nick Cave Murder Ballads.
    2. Pass. Rundgren and Mac cannot be salvaged.
    3. Al Kooper on organ?
    4. I’m thinking Kiss Beth or The Cars Drive.
    5. If there were a Rock Town Hall, it would be like all the other apps on my phone that I can’t figure out how to use.

  20. cliff sovinsanity

    1. Funny music – only if it’s clever in the Fountains Of Wayne vein.

    2. Sides 1-3 of Todd’s Something/Anything could have some harpsichord.

    3. Flea – was quite the trumpet player before becoming a talented bassist

    4. Donald “Buck Dharma” Roeser – the Blue Oyster Cult guitarist sang Don’t Fear The Reaper instead of lead singer Eric Bloom.

    5. The RTH App would update me every time Misterioso disagrees with me. That update would be the sound of David Lee Roth yelping like at the beginning of Runnin’ With The Devil. Those updates would become incessant and would cost me my marriage, my job and my friends. I don’t want an app for that.

  21. ladymisskirroyale

    I just want to add that “taking the Browns to the Superbowl” just floored Mr. Royale. He said in all of his years of scatological humor, he had never heard that.

  22. ladymisskirroyale

    diskojoe, you stole my #2.

  23. ladymisskirroyale

    1. I like my music like I like my men: witty and charming.

    2. Grant McLennan to Robert Forster’s solo album. And vice versa.

    3. J Mascis.

    4. St. Etienne’s first big single, a cover of Neil Young’s “Only Love Can Break A Heart” was sung by someone other than Sarah Cracknell.

    5. I’ll let you know when I upgrade from my clamshell phone.

  24. misterioso

    Dammit, that’s funny!

    And, let me add, that I, too, wish Flea would go back to the trumpet. And then sit on it.

  25. machinery

    1. Scary
    2. Russ Kunkle coulda showed up in Rundgren’s coked-up hotel room while making Something/Anything and jammed
    3. One of the keyboardists from The Band shoulda played something else they were probably good at. No need for two of them.
    4. All the best Monkees songs, if you consider Davy Jones the “front man.” Most kids thought he sang all those hits anyway.
    5. Rocktown hall should be app-ified for easier smart phone viewing. Get on that back office.

  26. Please forward this to Mr Royale:

    It’s a (very) short film I made.

  27. ladymisskirroyale

    Mr. Royale replies, “That film’s the shit!”

  28. Thanks. Your move, Oscar Short Film Nominating Committee…

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