Aug 212008

Prize winners after the fold.
The following Townsmen are Official winners of The RTH Cast The Eagles Movie contest. Please send your mailing address to thebackoffice[at] and Wiley publishing will send you your very own copy of Heaven and Hell: My Life In The Eagles (1974-2001) by Don Felder and Wendy Holden.
In no particular order:
Big Steve
Mr. Moderator
Every single person that made a contribution wins a book. Let that be a lesson to the rest of you. RTH helps those who help themselves.
The final cast looks outstanding. I can’t wait for the flick. Bravo!
Firstly I’d like to thank sammymaudlin for posting this image for me. All the judges had a post contest party freakout in Joshua Tree and I’m just now rolling back into the canyon.
Secondly. I have only received a couple of addresses. Keep ’em coming.
Hey, I gotta ask: didn’t Townsman mockcarr cast Hasselhoff as Henley? He deserves the prize more than I do — I was clearly pandering with my Flaherty write-in!
(Plus, if I won it, I’d feel obligated to read the damn thing.)
I gotta also say, this was a thread for the ages. Bravolingus!
Judge’s error!!! Townsman mockcarr was not included in the final tally and certainly should be.
Sadly this revelation has come after the medal ceremony but we still have a book for you mockcarr.
Send your mailing address over to me.
hr: I’m certain I can squeak one out for you. (Wiley Publishing reps did some buttons with us in Joshua Tree last night.)
Wow I just discovered that making smartass comments about the thread has earned me a copy of the book. I was going to promise to add it to the collection of the library where I work, but I discovered we own it already.
I expected at least one of those entries to be thrown out later on after PED usage was discovered. Or maybe somebody would drop a baton.
At least it’s likely to be better than a book by Tony Blair.
I’d like to thank the Academy!