Mad props to one of our basement dwellers for passing this along: The Boss blogs on his Super Bowl Halftime Show extravaganza. I can’t get enough of this side of The Boss. This is The Boss being The Boss! Don’t you wanna roll with Him and the E Street Band? Sometimes I do.
During “Tenth Avenue” I tell the story of my band…and other things “when the change was made uptown”…. It goes rushing by, then the knee slide. Too much adrenalin, a late drop, too much speed, here I come Mike…BOOM! And I’m onto his camera, the lens implanted into my chest with one leg off the stage. I use his camera to push myself back up and…say it, say it, say it, say it…BLAM! BORN TO RUN…my story…Something bright and hot blows up behind me. I heard there were fireworks. I never saw any. Just the ones going off in my head. I’m out of breath. I try to slow it down. That ain’t gonna happen. I already hear the crowd singing the last eight bars of “Born to Run” oh, oh, oh, oh…then it’s straight into “Working on a Dream”…your story…and mine I hope. Steve is on my right, Patti on my left. I catch a smile and the wonderful choir, The Joyce Garrett Singers, that backed me in Washington during the Inaugural concert is behind us. I turn to see their faces and listen to the sound of their voices…”working on a dream”. Done. Moments later, we’re ripping straight into “Glory Days”…the end of the story.
As an added bonus, I learned the name of the African American Robed Choir backing Bossman. Thanks for sharing, bro!
Just fixed the problem with this page. I’m sure you’re as enthusiastic as I am.
This is such great writing, I almost feel like I played the Super Bowl live. I almost feel the The Boss played it live too!