Apr 192007

It’s coming, Townspeople! This weekend the first mix CDs will go in the mail! The media is on notice! The world will be watching! We’ll all be listening!

April 19, 2007 – The popular rock music discussion blog, Rock Town Hall, will be launching its new web-based reality series, Hear Factor, on Monday, April 30.

Rock Town Hall ups the risk, danger and excitement of Fear Factor, with a death-defying music-based version. Hardcore music fans, many spending 30 or more years forming tastes and opinions, will be FORCED to endure three days of listening to only a mix CD of tunes they have expressed a disdain for. (The mixes will be compiled by fans of that particular music.) Contestants will be required to daily diary their harrowing experiences.

“The only support they will have are from Lifelines provided by fellow Townspersons (members of the blog) who will be allowed to provide reference points, influences and comparisons to music that might make it easier for the contestant,” said blog founder, Mr. Moderator.

“We have gone to great length to ensure that our contest is safe. Rigorous physical, hearing and psychological testing have been performed. Release of Liability forms have also been collected”, said a representative known only as The Back Office.


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