There are lots of pop artists out there that I’m supposed to like but don’t — and the ratio of pop idols I’m supposed to like versus pop idols I actually like diminishes with each year I advance in decrepitude.
On a recent outing to my favorite Bolivian restaurant, the correctness of my convictions about 1970s/’80s global megastars Boney M was soundly confirmed. That’s because I finally witnessed Boney M in concert, on the big screen usually reserved for soccer matches, while wolfing down my stew. These guys are the perfect distillation of everything that makes me sometimes think the rest of the world — but particularly Germany — is out of its fucking tree. This is what I saw:
Just wanted to make sure you all knew that it’s not like I’ve gone all Euro on you or anything. America still kicks the most ass!
HVB, Super-Patriot
p.s.: I still dig that Kylie song, though.
Mod, I hope I’ve won back your trust.
Math police: Assuming you like fewer pop idols each year, the ratio of pop idols you’re supposed to like versus pop idols you actually like should increase as you advance into decrepitude, not diminish.
Trust restored, Hrrundi. Not that it was ever really in question.
You know, I actually wrote the offending sentence out correctly, then looked at it and said to myself: “naaaah, that doesn’t sound as good. Nobody will notice.” Serves me right!
Sorry ’bout that. It probably would have caused more confusion the other way. I was just being a pest… and math was my subject.
I want to say something like, “See! All us people that voted ‘Horns’ in that poll were right! Strings suck!” but I don’t think horns could save that. They sure look like masters of Rock Fu, though. The Master must be proud of his Dojo.
Can i have the name/address of your favorite Bolivian resturant?
i like the IDEA of Boney M
but on the band itself, i’ll pass.
Hey, Shawn —
Believe it or not, the place is called “Pike Pizza,” though I’m pretty sure they don’t serve any pizza there. A review follows:
Next time you’re in DeeCee (assuming you’re not here already), lemme know and we’ll head out for a bite!
consider it a Man-Date!