Mar 082015

… but it’s not. More confirmation in my mind that Paul McCartney has actually gone insane, and a surprise gold star for the Eric Clapton page in my book. Eric’s reactions to PM’s weirdnesses are priceless.

In related news, I recently made myself read May Pang’s memoir of her years with John Lennon (found in a thrift store for a buck or two), and it contained a couple — just a couple, mind you — of nuggets. Number one: evidently, Paul McCartney has the irritating habit, if there’s a musical instrument of any kind in the room, of drifting away from whatever conversation he’s having and sneaking over to play something — anything — whether he’s asked to or not.

Number two: John Lennon’s favorite song in 1978 was… “Reminiscing,” by the Little River Band. Yes, nine years after recording this:

… Lennon was grooving to this:

Not sure what to make of all this.



  21 Responses to “I Swear I Thought This Was Sketch Comedy or Something…”

  1. ladymisskirroyale

    Ok, I can’t call up those first 2 clips.
    But Little River Band – unfortunately I still recall that song, thanks to your and John’s little reminder…

  2. hrrundivbakshi

    I’ve been having trouble posting YouTube videos lately. Summin’ be wrong wif RTH, gee.

  3. misterioso

    Do you mean “Loving John” or has she written another one? I read that a long, long time ago, and as I recall there were at least a few nuggets, as you say.

    I certainly forgot about JL’s fondness for the Little River Band! And that isn’t even one that George Martin produced, I think he worked with them a little later.

    But, you know, as he John never failed to mention in the last interviews, he never listens to current records.

  4. misterioso

    I’ll wager that I can sing at least 80% of it from memory. “Friday night it was late I was walking you home we got down to the gate and I was dreaming of the night, would it turn out right…” Sing with me, LMKR… Ah, the brain is a funny thing.

  5. hrrundivbakshi

    Yeah, “Loving John.” It was pretty ho-hum stuff, but good silly fun for airplane travel while on vacation.

    Man, where’s the Back Office when you need him? I want the world to see that Macca/Crapton vid!

  6. hrrundivbakshi

    Oh, hell, just watch it here:

  7. hrrundivbakshi

    Wait! It gets better! Here’s Townsend’s reaction to the same PM harangue!

  8. Oh, thank god. I was afraid it was yet another anti-Kanye thing. Instead, it’s merely more proof that Springsteen was wise not to rush out a well-meaning song in the initial surge of emotion following such a devastating event.

  9. That is unbelievable. Right out of Spinal Tap. It’s times like this when McCartney’s apparent “regular guy” status morphs into something bizarre. Imagine the video if Lennon were around to get this pitch!

  10. I’ll take a look at those videos that aren’t working – hopefully this weekend. Things have been crazy busy, sorry.

  11. ladymisskirroyale

    Duet time here at RTH.

  12. ladymisskirroyale

    Ha ha ha ha ha. That’s the same shifty eye glance that an elephant makes. Priceless.

  13. “Paul McCartney has actually gone insane”

    When you’ve got
    1) the talent of a god and
    2) the riches of Midas, and everyone in the entire world has known about it since you were about 22 years old, it must be at least a little tricksy to stay entirely sane.

    “Paul McCartney has the irritating habit, if there’s a musical instrument of any kind in the room, of drifting away from whatever conversation he’s having and sneaking over to play something — anything — whether he’s asked to or not.”

    See point #1. Don’t get me wrong, if I were John Lennon or Eric Clapton or Pete Townshend, I might find that habit annoying too. If I were about 99.999% of the world’s population? I’d be fucking delighted to have Paul McCartney picking a little tune on my mandolin as we chat.

    (Full disclosure: I’m a drummer and often discover I’ve been playing Steve Gadd’s intro to “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover” for the past 10 minutes only when it’s pointed out to me.)

  14. cherguevara

    Macca’s ex-wife doesn’t think much of him – he wrote “a few cool songs in the 60’s” and the 70’s:

    Wow, she seems really horrible.

  15. Freedom challenges any number of Neil Young’s first-responder songs for Worst in that genre. Beside “For What It’s Worth,” how many instant protest/rallying cry songs have been any good? MLK Day inspired 2 good songs: one by Stevie Wonder and one by Public Enemy. Springsteen has cranked out a turd or two in this genre. Remember the one about the number of shots a cop fired or fired at a cop?

  16. “Springsteen has cranked out a turd or two in this genre.”

    …such as?

    “Remember the one about the number of shots a cop fired or fired at a cop?”

    Are you ‘avin’ a laugh? Is ‘e ‘avin’ a laugh?

    You’re kidding about “American Skin (41 Shots)” not being a great song, right?

  17. That’s the song. Was it a great song? I vaguely remember it being along the lines of Edwin Starr’s “War” (which Bruce and Co. covered effectively), but not as memorable. Could be my opinion. I do recall it being better than Paul’s “Freedom” or Neil’s “Let’s Roll.”

  18. “I do recall it being better than Paul’s “Freedom” or Neil’s “Let’s Roll.””

    Not exactly a high bar, admittedly. 🙂

    Yeah, it was an absolutely fantastic song—the writing was remarkably incisive. Check out this piece on the song—I think you’ll enjoy it:

  19. Thanks for the link to that article. I revisited the song and my memory was WAY OFF regarding it being a “War”-type song. It’s more like a slightly more rocking “Streets of Philadelphia” or something else from that period. It’s a pretty good song for that sort of Springsteen song, but the song itself doesn’t really do much for me. I get the lyrics and what he responded to, and that stuff does resonate, but from an American Bandstand perspective, it doesn’t have a beat or make me want to dance; it doesn’t give me goosebumps. It’s OK. It’s better than the stuff he did on those 2 albums when he married his second wife, that Julianne someone, but I don’t like it as much as the best songs from his Patty Scialfa period. I retract calling the song a “turd,” but I stand behind my belief that it wasn’t a memorable song for me. I knew it was written to express worthwhile feelings and all that, and if I really pay attention to the lyrics I get some payoff. But musically? Eh… That’s my taste as an extremely mild Boss fan.

  20. ladymisskirroyale

    In agreement!

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