Despite my well-known resistance to the burgeoning Apple iTunes Empire – or perhaps because of it – within weeks of my wife switching us from a PC to a Mac, a representative from Apple contacted me through RTH Labs to gauge my interest in participating in a Phase II study on a digital weight-loss program that is tentatively titled iLose.
I was initially flummoxed by Apple’s interest in my participation, but I could stand to lose some weight, and the promise of a steady supply of preselected, potentially weight-loss promoting tunes was hard to turn down. If nothing else, I figured, I’d get turned onto some new music, get a chuckle out or two, and stick it to the iMan by mocking this experimental program for the benefit of Rock Town Hall. After 3 weeks on the program, however, I’m becoming a believer.
The playlist from my most recent iLose session follows. Consider it a trial version of this possibly revolutionary weight-loss program!
“Clear Spot”, Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band
“Walkin With A Mountain”, Mott The Hoople
“Riot Industry”, Cobra Verde
“Blow Daddy-O”, Pere Ubu
“Allah Wakbarr”, Ofo The Black Company
“The Blue Mask”, Lou Reed
“St. George`s Dragon”, Baby Grandmothers
“Ship Of Fools”, The Doors
“Amazona”, Roxy Music
“You Baby”, The Turtles
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In the coming weeks, as I share my weight-loss efforts on the iLose program, I’ll get deeper into the science, but to introduce this series, I’ll list the items contained in my first package from Apple:
- 1 original-model iPod Shuffle
- 1 set of earbuds
- A password-protected link to my first download from the iMenu
The instructions for getting started on the program were simple enough: Load the first batch of songs onto the iPod Shuffle and listen in Shuffle Mode for at least 45 minutes per day. For the first week of the program, it is suggested that the iLoser, as participants in the program are humorously referred, make no changes in preexisting diet or exercise regimen. For the next 2 weeks, it is recommended that the iLoser accompany his or her iPod Shuffle sessions with a walk every other day. Again, no changes in diet are required, but it is suggested that the iLoser refrain from eating, say, a fifth slice of pizza or a third cheeseburger. I did have to make one adjustment to the program, ditching those annoying earbuds for small headphones that hook over my ears.
Before I report the initial results of my first 3 weeks on the iLose program, a little background is in order. For the development of the iLose program, Apple partnered with Bakersfield-Area Weight-Loss Labs (BAWLL), in Bakersfield, California. With more than 40 years in weight-loss-related research and development, BAWLL was an ideal partner for this venture. Like Apple, BAWLL has cultured a link to its renegade roots. Director of Research & Development Russ Coggins, for instance, refers to his team’s work as, “the latest in kitchen chemistry.”
As expected, the mix of music I received in my first iMenu leaned toward the heavy side; however, the mix was more familiar than what I’d expected. Rather than selections from the sort of younger, hipper bands I imagined would have cross-marketing deals in place with Apple, bands such as The White Stripes and, I don’t know, Coldplay, there was a lot of older stuff, like Mott the Hoople, Captain Beefheart, and even The Beatles. Works by contemporary artists like Beck and Quasi were scattered in – and there was an obligatory U2 track (“Mysterious Ways”), but the mix was surprisingly heavy on on rock-nerd stoner rock!
To tell the truth, I feared this mix might lead toward increased food consumption and slothful behavior, much as I related this music to my life as a younger, thinner man. BAWLL’s Coggins assured me that there was a method to the madness.
“Remember those days when listening to ‘rock-nerd stoner rock,’ as you call it, was a major component of your daily routine?” he asked. “You were much thinner then,” he continued, “much thinner than you are today, as you seek out obscure blues and jazz reissues in between running your kids to and from soccer games.”
Coggins had a point, there. Now let’s get down to my initial results: Three weeks have passed, and I’ve followed the program with pleasure. The rocking and the occasional walks have been a good mix. As touted in the iLose literature, I actually feel my heart rate and walking pace aligning with the BPM of each song. When I step on the scale, I actually see the results of the fat-burning properties of this mix. In the first week, doing nothing more than listening to the iPod Shuffle mix alone, I lost 1.5 pounds! Since working three 45-minute walks per week into the program over the last 2 weeks I’ve lost an additional 4.5 pounds. I feel better than I’ve felt in years, and I have a new appreciation for “Mysterious Ways”. In the coming weeks, I’ll continue to report on my progress and dig deeper into the science behind iLose.
So Fat Morrison actually helps burn calories? Will wonders never cease.