Mar 052007
In yet another move that will incite cries of “Sell out!” from mothers’ basements across the outposts of Rock Town Hall, we have partnered with the Almighty iTunes Empire to provide opportunities for you to sample and download new music for your iPod as well as contribute to the maintenance and upkeep of Rock Town Hall’s humble IT department.

There are at least 2 ways we envision folks taking advantage of this partnership:
- If you’re an iTunes customer, you may enter the Almighty iTunes Empire through the link at the bottom right column of Rock Town Hall. For every song you purchase, we get about a haypenny. This money will go toward the expenses necessary to run this site, and for that, we will thank you.
- Another capability that might be fun is allowing for the occasional posting of iTunes mixes. In fact, we’ve got one loaded up if you click on the image of Steve Wynn album covers at the top of this entry. There’s a Steve Wynn fan in The Back Office who’s been trying to get Mr. Mod to check this guy out for some time. As some of you know, he can be a bit thickheaded. So, now I challenge him to click on that image of Steve Wynn album covers, and buy a few songs to see if I have a clue about what I’ve been trying to sell him on for the past 20 years. We’ll see how this works, but it could be fun to have members suggest mixes every other week or so.
So that’s that. Access to the Almighty iTunes Empire is here for the taking! If you don’t care to get involved with it, as Mr. Mod will claim while he eyeballs his wife’s iPod Shuffle for his possession seconds after she upgrades to a Nano, then so be it. Thank you.
So on one historic day in Rock Town Hall you’re introducing access to both iTunes and thrift store finds? Visionary.
But Mr Mod doesn’t even own an ipod. something smells fishy.
Is this a cry from a mother’s basement?!?! Certainly I don’t own an iPod, but this site is for The People and, in great part, by The People. It’s our responsibility to serve The People. Beside, The Back Office is all over this newfangled iPod thingy. He’s probably watching Lawrence of Arabia on his 2-inch screen.
However I sometimes forget about the awesome POWER The Back Office wields and should not be so quick to poke fun as the truth is I am deeply in love with The Back Office and would like to spend some time alone with him in a truck stop restroom.
Anyone else want a piece of The Back Office?!
I don’t own an iPod either, my Blackberry is all-in-one and it was such a huge purchase for me (life savings I tell you, for me anyway;) that I probably won’t get one for a while cause it has mp3 capability, but I do need ram. I do have iTunes on my computer though, and anyone can get that. I had a friend who swore by it for making compilations. I’m excited about the promise of iTunes magic on this board. I think it’s a match! Really cool announcement, and I’ll second the vote on “visionary” talking about iTunes and Wolfgang in one day. I love this place!
I’m keeping an eye on you, The Back Office. But only because I want to BE with you.
I appreciate the attention Mr. Moderator, but as I’ve said NUMEROUS times before, I am straight- I am happily married- and I am not interested. But we can still be friends.