Plans are being finalized for this year’s KISS Army Reunion, beginning Thursday, February 15 at Valley Forge Convention Center, Pennsylvania’s Place for Planning a Military Reunion!
The reunion planners for the KISS Army are bringing the US chapter reunion back to where it all began…not just to celebrate the band most overlooked by the Rock ‘n Roll Hall of Fame but to rediscover the roots of patriotism and, ultimately, rock ‘n roll. Then we march on Cleveland!
Generations of military men and women have followed in Washington’s footsteps. Likewise, generations of rockers have followed in Gene’s platform boots.
Of all the places associated with America’s War for Independence, none conveys the suffering, sacrifice, and ultimate triumph more than Valley Forge National Historical Park. For the band KISS, the “ultimate triumph” is the only association that matters!
During your stay in Valley Forge, PA, visit more than a dozen local Revolutionary War sites, from the homes of Generals “Mad Anthony” Wayne and Peter Muhlenberg to battlefields and the rural farmhouses and colonial taverns where Washington ate, slept, and planned his battle strategies. If George really was the Paul of Revolutionary times, you gotta wonder if that’s all that went on at these farmhouses and colonial taverns!
Stay tuned. Keep checking back. If you know of other veterans of the KISS Army who may have lost touch with the organization, please send them here so that we might be able to invite them to this historic occasion. Thank you.
I’m heading to Canada.
I could never get into them in the 70’s. Beyond the spectacle, I always thought their music sucked.
Could there be a day-trip to Gettysburg to see the Little Horses?
I too crossed the border whenever the KISS Army tried to draft me. Today, I’m just passing along word of some worthy efforts by sincere fans.
Stay tuned, folks. I think this is going to be big! Troops are coming in from all points in the US. Don’t forget to prepare your KISS Army rememberances.