Dec 072010

A couple of recent threads (here and here) brought to mind the phenomenon of bands with at least two band members sharing a surname but no lineage (ie, “no relation,” as it always says after the band members’ names are listed). Because I’m sure there are so few of these instances, I won’t use up one of the options by kicking off this Last Man Standing with an initial entry, but I will say that the members of The Ramones do not count. Also, because I’ve felt so often, in the past, that a Last Man Standing will result in no more than three or four possible answers, I will refuse to believe I’m about to “stump” anyone this time. Go!

  14 Responses to “Last Man Standing: No Relation”

  1. shawnkilroy

    the walker brothers do not count?

  2. I’ll take the one you left out of your post: The Attractions Thomas Brothers.

  3. Thank you for getting them off my mind.

  4. Because I only excluded the non-brothers Ramones as a pseudonymous brothers act, I will generously allow The Walker non-Brothers – IF – the other guy(s) – the one who’s not Scott – also used that last name. I know little about that scene, so scout’s honor, OK?

  5. I’m going with the triple shot of the three non-related Taylor brothers in Duran Duran. If Liar’s Poker rules apply, someone now needs to come up with 4 unrelated siblings in a band.

  6. mockcarr

    All I’ve got are a pair of Kings from The Action. The recently departed blue-eyed soul singing Reg and his bandmate, Alan “Bam”, but I can open.

  7. One of the latter-day Squeeze lineups feature Keith Wilkinson (bass) and the late Kevin Wilkinson (drums), no relation.

  8. misterioso

    Perhaps an appeal to the commissioner is needed, but what about Gene Clark and Michael Clark(e) of the Byrds mach 1, to say nothing of Gram Parsons and Gene Parsons of later and separate Byrds iterations, as well as separate versions of the Flying Burrito Brothers. Surely this all counts for something.

  9. Yes, misterioso, the commissioner will allow both of these instances, especially because I – I mean, he – forgot that Michael Clarke’s name ended with a silent e and because I recently made reference to a “Gene Parsons” when I meant Gram. Then I spent some time trying to remember if there was a musician named Gene Parsons (no relation).

  10. hrrundivbakshi

    That’s *MARK* 1! Sheesh!

  11. I love it!

  12. misterioso

    That was a typo I let go, thinking it was in keeping with the whole Eight Miles High theme and the titles of the discs in the Byrds box (We Have Ignition, Cruising Altitude, etc., etc.). A little play on words, my good man. My pipe, please?

  13. mockcarr

    pince nez to come…

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