Sep 232010

With this post, we inaugurate a new series on Rock Town Hall — one in which we look to you, our closet D.W. Griffiths, our frustrated Eric Von Stroheims, our secret Spielbergs, to help explain what on Earth is going on in a featured “music video.”

I must admit, I came across this one by accident, in the “comments” section at the tail end of a very interesting music-related Gizmodo post, about which I’ll post separately. But as soon as I clapped my eyes on this video, I was smitten. Fascinated. Enthralled.

What the hell, I wondered, did it mean?

I’ve got some thoughts of my own, but I don’t want to influence your creative process. I really want to know what the story is behind this piece of film. Why the fire-breathing? Why the halloween party-store witch’s hat? Why the constant scurrying through the glades? And why, oh why is there so much…crouching?

It’s clear to me that what this video needs is a script of some sort — or at least an explanation. Can you provide one?

I look forward to your responses.



  5 Responses to “Lights… Camera… Wait a Minute — Who’s Got the Script?!”

  1. Mr. Moderator

    On numerous levels this may be the stupidist thing I’ve ever seen. Thanks, HVB! Not only does the video seem to have nothing to do with the music, the music seems to have nothing to do with the music. I’m not ready to speculate on the plot, but I think modern-era heavy metal crouching is a sign of severely repressed sexuality, like the guys aren’t sure if they should confidently thrust their crotch forward or take a dump instead.

  2. BigSteve

    I think these guys are planning to invade Poland, and the video records their quest. My favorite moment is starts around 2:44, where they finally come to the realization that they don’t know which direction to go to find Poland. Aarrgghh!

  3. The problem seems to be with you, not the video, which makes complete sense once you know the lyrics, which I’ve included below. Let me know if you still have any questions after reviewing them. If not, let’s move on to any number of Duran Duran videos.

    Buried beneath the mountains of frost
    Years of silent sorrow grim and dark
    My winterwings of evil sleep in eternal nights

    In deaths cold crypts of snow
    The moon chimed my return

    With blackstorms I came
    And not with the winds

    Northern darkness marches through the coldest night

    I can’t resist the taste of these winds from the wintermoon
    I split my tongue for the taste these winds
    And bath my eyes in its grace
    Frost and winter return to my eyes
    The call of the wintermoon

    Nocturnal clouds blows freely in the distance
    In the grey mist of deaths horizon
    My winterwings of evil sleep

    In deaths cold crypts of snow
    Buried beneath the mountains of frost
    Years of silent grim and dark
    Into eternal nights
    Hearing the call of the wintermoon.

    In the Northern tribe
    The moon chimed my return
    Hearing the call of the wintermoon


    Godot never appears.

  5. misterioso

    Yes, the lyrics clarify things substantially…

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