Jan 152012

Mr. ShoLo Rising
Sweet Lou checks in on our discussions now and then. This morning, in response to ladymisskirroyale‘s Splitting Hairs commentary and a response within that thread by 2oo0 Man, he sent me a note with a link to the following live performance and these words:
Hey Rock Town Hall,
2K is right on regarding a rocker’s responsibility to allow his mane to cascade down his back. Tell your ’80s UK pouffy hair bands to stick it! Get back to me when any one of them tops this ‘do.
Thankfully this sort of hair foolishness stopped when he married Laurie Anderson.
Saw Lou in all his pouffy hairness on this New York tour. He could have been wearing a chicken suit for all I care because he was effing brilliant that night.
Oh, I remember this Lou Reed, the one who would actually sing a song. Maybe it was a Samson thing and when he cut the flowing locks, he lost his ability to sing.
The hair I had forgotten but this clip had stuck in my mind as a Reed performance that really hit me (in a good way). Here is a somewhat better quality version of the same clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dc0-XQhgi_c
Thanks for the HQ clip. I’m going to swap that in as the main one. That mane needs to be seen in HQ. And yes, even though I don’t like that song very much, this was a good performance of it.
Ah, crazy hair and that classic crazy look Lou still got in his eyes back then. Oh Lou, I got that crazy feelin’ now now now. This craziness is infinitely better than that crazy crap he did with Metallica.