Jan 252009

A few months ago, professional necessity took me in an odd direction, and I found myself searching YouTube for recent material from former Faith No More vocalist Mike Patton. In amongst the noisy spoken-word pieces, hardcore-meets-dub club performances and other fringe-y ephemera, I found this:

Does anybody remember Wolfmother? I think we briefly argued about them on RTH Chess, with some finding them clever miners of ancient rock gold, and others dismissing them as worthless and derivative. It’s clear what Mr. Patton thinks.

I just love this clip — but I can’t decide whether Patton’s frank assessment of Wolfmother’s talents is refreshingly candid or just plain assholish. What do you think?

I look forward to your responses.



  9 Responses to “Mike Patton: Orockle or Asshole?”

  1. dbuskirk

    I think a guy at Patton strata doesn’t have to worry that his frank assessment of this Led Zeppelin tribute band is going to be blown up to some rock and roll feud. I wonder if Wolfmother even knows who he is, WM singer/guitarist Andrew Stockdale was a thirteen year old Australian kid when FNM was having hits. Anyway, Patton doesn’t seem like he’s being a dick, it sounds like he’s treating the guy with the camera with the honesty you would treat a friend. Pretty funny.

  2. BigSteve

    I think his reaction is refreshingly assholish.

  3. I’ve the clip before and think he’s great. His assessment is right on and delightfully assholish!

  4. uh…that’s “seen the clip before”

  5. saturnismine

    i dunno…

    i mean, i’m not a big fan of either band, but the comments come he’s either trying to convince us, or himself, that he’s really pleased about doing all these little side projects that sound destined to generate no interest whatsoever. i don’t care if i actually agree with him (which I do). he just sounds like forgotten guy who’s choking on sour grapes to me.

    and what’s so refreshing about that kind of talk?

    I’ve been hearing that kind of idle chit chat about rock bands since junior high. hell…all i have to do is click on rth.com if i want to get my fair share of it.

  6. I think his reaction is half honest, half calculated outrage. The “what decade are we in?” comment is great. On the other hand, the notion that Mike Patton’s ideas about rock have some sort of currency these days is a bit much, if you ask me.

  7. I saw Mike Patton’s band a couple of years ago. The house he’s standing in isn’t even made of real glass; it’s made of fake glass from the movies. And the question “What decade are we in?” isn’t a stone; it’s a cinder block.

    Oh – and even if it HAD been 1993 when I saw them, they still would have sucked.

  8. Im going to have to say not only an asshole, but major hypocrite. I dont like wolfmother either, but before Patton can finish the statement of him doing a “60s italian music album” he bashes a band for doing 70s music with a “what year are we in?!” comment…cause we all know doing 60s music is more creative and cutting edge than doing 70s music.

  9. Rock on, robato, and welcome to the fray!

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