Dec 232007

From the collection of Townsman Mrclean comes the following, mysterious gift of music. He shares his thoughts following the track, which you are encouraged to open, contemplate, and comment on.

Mrclean Shares the Gift of Music

An old favorite that makes me think of rainy days or snow days and hanging out in West Philly. The LP cover is off putting with photos of some loutish looking lads with silly names that are odd compared to the LP title, itself a pretty bold and ridiculous statement. This vaguely intimidating package yields some lovely mellow pop. I love this whole album but was disappointed with their later releases. My guess is that at least one Townsman of my acquaintance in particular will immediately recognize this but I hope he withholds his comments until some others chime in…


  10 Responses to “Mrclean Shares the Gift of Music”

  1. Mr. Moderator

    Cool contribution, Mrclean. I know nothing about this artist. I like the “rainy” percussion, and some of the drum fills remind me of my man Scott Kraus.

    Is the clip that I posted to help “wrap” your contribution actually a Milkmen cover, as it says on the YouTube page where I found it?

  2. Wow! Yes – that is a Milkmen cover. Great find! I’ve emailed you the original recording – feel free to post it here with this entry if you like (I emailed you the file). It was a song recorded by just Joe and Dave. “Released” on a cassette called “Oh No! Somebody Shot Sunshine!”

    Joe’s accent on the original recording is hilarious!

  3. No idea who it is but it’s perfect music for a cloudy, lazy, 2 days before Christmas, one too many glass of red wine last night Sunday morning.

  4. Mr. Moderator

    Excellent, Mrclean! I should have time to get it up here later today. Thanks.

    As Al mentions, your gift of music fits the weather in these parts more and more.

  5. trolleyvox

    I’m about 87 percent sure of what this is, so I will keep my mouth shut. Did I possess this record when we shared the infamous cave apartment, Mr. Clean?

  6. I have no idea who this is.

    However, I would like to take this opportunity to finally tell a member of the Dead Milkmen something: Your song “Stuart” has been the bane of my friggin’ existence ever since it came out.

  7. Tvox – yep – you did have this record when we lived in the “Cave”. I own it on CD. I listened to it today – perfect weather for it!

    great 48 – sorry!

  8. Wow! What a strange honor to find myself here! I recorded this Milkmen cover from youtube. Thanks to mrclean I now know the name of the cassette. I have no recollection of how it came into my possession, I think someone gave it to me knowing I was a big DM fan. I considered doing Joe’s accent but that seemed unkind. Thanks for linking me!!

  9. Well, the worst of it is that everyone always thinks they’re the very first to mention it, and that they’re being all clever and stuff. It’s not the song’s fault.

  10. Mr. Moderator

    Very cool to meet you, branane. Thanks for your performance! Don’t be a stranger.

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