Aug 212009

Take a listen to the track. If you know who it is, please refrain from posting. If you don’t know who it is, tell us what you think. Like it? Hate it? Why? Who does it sound like? Give a guess as to who it might be.

Mystery Date


  10 Responses to “Mystery Date”

  1. it’s fucking awful.
    is it Pavement?

  2. sammymaudlin

    Ha! Don’t hold back shawnkilroy. I’m left to assume you aren’t a Pavement fan?

    Regardless, nope. Not Pavement.

  3. sammymaudlin

    My close personal relationship with The Back Office tells me that many more people have listened to this track than have posted. Now, I don’t know who you are but YOU do.

    Love it, hate it. Come forth I say and layeth your stones on the tablet.

    See if you can guess the era or the region or the brand of cigarettes…

  4. Hank Fan

    Couldn’t listen to the whole thing. Too boring.

  5. BigSteve

    Meh. I kind of like the basic rhythm section stuff, kind of REMish. But the vocalist is weak, and he never finds the song. The feedback freakout doesn’t really rescue it.

  6. Is this Lou Reed the way he was meant to sound?

    The lead-in sounded older than the song turned out to be. I thought it was going to be some Paul Revere & The Raiders deep cut or something. But after that, it just sounded like a “Waiting For My Man” ripoff.

    I like “Waiting…” though, so it sounded good to me. I wouldn’t listen to it again because I can always get to my VU discs quickly.

  7. The VU angle makes me think it might be the Feelies or some Feelies related crew like Wake ooloo or wharever they were called. Don’t the Feelies have something new goin’ on.

    If it is them, they aren’t getting better. Then again, they made some otherr good records but they never touched their first album, Crazy Rhythms as far as I’m concerned.

  8. sammymaudlin

    Big Steve and Geo are in the zone. Congrats lads.

  9. 2000 Man

    I got a phone call right after I listened to it, and the song that’s in my head after ten minutes is Waiting for My Man. That doesn’t say much for this song, does it? It really felt like I know the band, though.

    Then again, that could be because it sounds like Waiting for My Man.

  10. I liked some of the guitar, but the drums and the plodding drone of the beat are dull, and the singing isn’t very good. The song’s also too long.

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