Feb 102010

Let’s review the ground rules here. The Mystery Date song is not necessarily something I believe to be good. So feel free to rip it or praise it. Makes me no never mind. Rather the song is something of interest due to the artist, influences, time period… Your job is to decipher as much as you can about the artist without research. Who do you think it is? Or, Who do you think it sounds like? When do you think it was recorded? Etc…

If you know who it is, don’t spoil it for the rest. Anyone who knows it can play the “mockcarr option.” (And I’ve got a hunch that there are a lot who know this one.) This option is for those of you who just can’t hold your tongue and must let everyone know just how in-the-know you are by calling it. So if you know who it is and want everyone else to know that you know, email The Back Office at thebackoffice[at]rocktownhall.com. If correct we will post how brilliant you are in the Comments section.

The real test of strength though is to guess as close as possible without knowing. Ready, steady, go!

Mystery Date


  28 Responses to “Mystery Date”

  1. Mr. Moderator

    I have no idea who this is. I suspect it’s one of those LA power pop bands, like Redd Kross (sp?) or someone connected to The Rain Parade. The song has a number of solid elements that are promising, but it’s quickly so deliberate and stuck in one groove that it goes nowhere. It’s bad enough that the structure is that of a 12-bar blues, but then the vocals and melody do nothing remotely interesting to resolve the cycle. Most troubling for me is the drummer’s refusal to build the song’s dynamics. He or she plays the same schticky beat throughout the song, never moving to a ride cymbal or doing anything else to get the song into a higher gear. And did I say the singer doesn’t help matters at all? This artist could use a rock wedgie.

  2. sammymaudlin

    Funny you mention “wedgie”. The Back Office just “twitted” on the RTH Twitter site the following:

    Once again RTH is atop the heap with the search “can you hire someone to give you a wedgie”. Our post, http://tinyurl.com/RTHwedgie, is #1!

  3. Mr. Moderator

    That is funny. I’m sure this will be among our most re-tweeted tweets.

  4. I’ve never heard it prior. I like Mr. Moderators comments because I feel his “oh brother with eyes rolled” LIS’s Dr. Smith endorsed “oh the pain of kitschiness” droan.

    It’s DIY new(er) trying to sound older. It’s a little groovy, but it’s got that ultra familiar “I’m bored, luscious and hip” vibe. Typical.

    It’s one pretentious step removed from garage and about fifteen steps short of a fine grade of simpleton pop music for the pretend psychedelic, fashion trend based, weak minded masses.

    Very suburban.

  5. misterioso

    Has Ray Davies contacted his lawyers (“Tired of Waiting”)?

  6. sammymaudlin

    writehearnow is totally in the zone. Bravo.

  7. Mr. Moderator

    What is there, a dearth of stones in the Hall today? Is this a one-man-band effort, or did no one in the band have the stones to push the leader a little harder?

  8. sammymaudlin

    I’ve got a hunch that a lot of people know this one. Although The Back Office has not received any emails to that effect.

  9. BigSteve

    I like it. Is Mod’s guess of an L.A. connection accurate?

  10. Mr. Moderator

    I hope it’s someone I dislike and feel justified continuing to dislike. Regardless, I hope all of us ’60s pop fanboys learn important lessons from this track.

  11. sammymaudlin

    Sorry, no. There is not an L.A. connection.

  12. I’m confused. I tried downloading that mp3 and got a 20-second snippet, almost all which was some sort of narration. What the fuck?

  13. sammymaudlin

    Oats- That was the intro. You didn’t get the whole thing. Can’t you just play it in your browser?

  14. Tried it in a browser and as a dl; only got the 20 secs.

    No big deal, I’ll just sit this out. I was just looking forward to maybe finding something nice to say about something Mr. Mod disdains.

  15. Enuff Z nuff?

    or is it just one guy?

  16. It´s definitely fake sixties, probably quite recent. No guess here.

  17. hrrundivbakshi

    Sounds kind of Cavedogs-ian. Like somebody posted earlier, it’s got a cool groove for about 20 seconds, then I want to kick the songwriter/arranger in the ass. Get MOVING, already!

  18. sammymaudlin

    andyr- no and no
    ramone- yes and OK

  19. sammymaudlin

    Cavedogs is a solid guess. I didn’t think of them but this does have a Cavedogsian sound.

    But alas, no there is no Cavedogs connection.

  20. Mr. Moderator

    Is the artist Ken doll-smooth underneath his drawers?

  21. sammymaudlin

    No Mod. Like them or not, these guys pack heat. They might be snubnosed, but they’ve got some ball-istics.

  22. Mr. Moderator

    Are they related to Detroit’s psych-power pop scene?

  23. I like this one better than most folks who’ve weighed in so far. Not great but entertaining enough except for the intro which is painful.

    I agree it’s not real old. It’s probably new-ish indie, but could be Paisley Underground era, or a Gutterball-esque thing.

  24. sammymaudlin

    Not Dee-troyt. Not indie. Not Paisley Underground. Not Gutterball related.


  25. Mr. Moderator

    This thing’s really pissing me off now. Is this one of my bandmates gone solo?

  26. I feel like I’ve heard this one before–maybe on Children of Nuggets. I can’t remember who it is. Kind of a cool tune though.

  27. Personally, I think the nail has been hit on the noggin. The talent is there, it’s just flat as Frank’s head. I’ve heard more expression and excitement coming from a metronome than what the drummer exhibits. The vocalist is not bad, it’s just the ridiculously pretentious and forced nature of his sedate melody. Sounds like a fashionable pop version of the band Swervedriver. Holy monotony!

    This song is like a movie with decent actors without proper direction. Somebody give Bob Ezrin a call. These boys need direction.

  28. mockcarr

    Well, I’m going to try not to be like that mockcarr guy again, but I think I recognize the voice. If I’m right, it’s a side project of a very big act.

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