Will Your Mystery Date Be a Dream or a Dud?
All righty…looks like there’s no need for the Big Reveal (but you’ll get one anyhow). BigSteve and tonyola correctly played their “mockcarr option,” while hrrundivbakshi enthusiastically and sincerely stepped into a heaping pile of Mystery Date identification! Our Mystery Date was indeed Patto, featuring Mike Patto. The Mystery Songs were “Hold Your Fire” and “Hold Me Back.” Now that you know who this band is, I offer you “The Man,” another song that may be too long for some of you, but those of you lacking patience may miss out on some choice insights into the song’s subject matter.
Patto, “The Man”
[audio:https://www.rocktownhall.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Patto_01_The-Man.mp3|titles=Patto, “The Man”]The band released 3 albums, from 1970 to 1973, before disbanding, leaving an unreleased (until 1995) album in the can. Now, get your pad and pen ready, because I’m about to blow your Rock Town Hall mind and waste a lot of your time!
I liked it this afternoon when I first listened to the long song. It seemed like a combination of Hendrixian guitar and Dylanesque lyrics. I knew there was that new boxset of Hendrix playing with other people that I hadn’t heard, but Halsall obviously didn’t get Hendrix’s taste with his influence.
The piano sounded very Leon Russell, which is why I wanted to guess Benno, but Russell was so influential around this time that I think all piano players wanted to sound like him. He was a big influence on early Bill Payne, and this song has some of Little Feat’s burnout humor. Now that I’ve read more about these guys, the lyrics I thought were Dylanesque seem more like reportage:
See I’d taken to wearing sandals and I’d given up watching T.V.
I was rolling up grass in the American flag and I was sick from snorting “C”
I blew my mind out on a trip one night and I ran all the way back to town
But the minute I saw the lights in their faces I freaked and turned right around
Well my skin turned yellow and my eyes sunk back from my diet of boiled brown rice
I would shuffle past bright warm houses to my groove pad cold as ice
I’ve been beaten down and busted and I’ve wound up on my own
And there’s nothing left that buzzes me so I’m returning home
Nice legwork btw, Mod. You may have left this out because you had so much else to fill us in on, but Halsall played a lot with Kevin Ayers, and he’s on that Cale/Ayers/Eno/Nico album called June 1, 1974.
I like the way you broke this down. Like you, BigSteve, I liked that first, long song, despite Halsall’s lack of taste. I did mention the Ayers connection and posted a clip of Andy Summers jamming with them. I know there’s a lot I crammed in here. I always like the Kevin Ayers stuff I’ve got, yet I’m almost always left wishing he was a notch better, or should I say better defined.
Ayers never seemed to take his solo career very seriously. Every once in a while he’d trot out a collection of his droll little tunes with a seeming blase offhandedness. I enjoy a lot of his work but you’re right in that it appears he never tried very hard.
Mod, a very interesting entry here; so interesting, in fact, that I temporarily forgot how boring the band itself is (based on the songs posted–maybe you’re holding back their killer songs). But then I listened to “The Man” and was reminded. Anyway, good work and very educational.
No, I wish I could say I was holding something fantastic. I get my kicks out of mediocre, artsy blooz music from this period. Coupled with the band’s tremendous back story I couldn’t resist digging deeper.