Jan 102010
It’s certainly time Mr. Mod gets over it regarding his long-held beef with Mitchell Froom. As Townsman Oats points out in the comments for that ongoing thread, Froom’s work has grown since the initial productions he did for Richard Thompson and Crowded House, productions for which Mod has never forgiven Froom. At least he acknowledges that Froom’s done better work with Los Lobos.
Last week I received an advance of a forthcoming Los Lobos record that they recorded with that pair. Here’s indisputable evidence of Froom’s growth as a producer.
Dude, you shouldn’t slight the twentieth century giant who DID produce this fine-sounding recording (that chromatic harmonica passes for avant-garde in Froom’s hands). One of the most versatile, creative and successful producers in recording history, the 1973 album this came from is full of beautiful examples of his genius at work.
And yet The Cars probably get more shout-outs around here…
Dude, no slight was intended. Froom should hope he could someday produce something of this magnitude.
Have The Cars ever gotten a single shout-out around here?