Townswoman Crystal reports that she has been spending a lot of time in a computer lab for her digital art class doing homework. She’s been slowly making notes of the different iTunes radio stations for her personal use, and she wanted to share them with her fellow Townspeople. Here’s what she’s finding.

Worthy of listening to
Ghetto Radio. It’s primarily ’80s, but it’s like old radio stations. They’ll play Aerosmith next to Eddy Grant. They did a block of Rush next to Genesis’s “Land of Confession”, which I promptly left but later they played New Order. So you’ll never know what you get.
Fresh Air – The Alternative. It’s worth it for the Edinborough accents alone. Sometimes, it’s dance music, and then it will be a show on internet dating.
Music to work by
Baroque classical station. Insert your own joke here, but very calming.
RadioAmbient – No Enya! It’s just basic ambient electronica that isn’t too weird New Age or Starbucks. It’s perfect when you have to think but you also want cool background music.
You have to be in the mood I love it – an entire radio station devoted to
French singers, but I took 9 years of French, so it may not be everyone’s cup of tea. You can find it in the International station section.
Dublab. “Positive.Music.Driven.Lifestyle” – this the tag line. It’s a lot of Donovan and ’70s Yes stuff. I felt like I had slipped myself magic mushrooms. I’m 95% sure this is something my hippie ex-boyfriend would have liked. A little heavy on the sitar music for my taste but it is relaxing.
WOXY Vintage. This station is o.k. I mean, they went from the Ass Ponys to David Bowie so you be the judge. You can never go wrong with Bowie.
Rockabilly Radio. Some of it is good, but some of it is REALLY cheesy.
Avoid like the plague
Secret Agent on SomaFM. It’s like the background music for Kahula ads. Yucky “trance” snooze yuppie music.
So this is news to me. Do iPods offer a digital radio service as well the ability to dowload, store, sort, shuffle, and otherwise play mp3s? Is this part and parcel with the iPod, itself, or do you subscribe to something? Could you play these stations in your car in lieu or those 2 digital radio services?
No, but iTunes does. You can’t listen to radio in the car, until we have internet access there, but you can on your computer.
I have had a few pleasurable experiences with the iTunes radio but this distillation will definitely help me to wade thru the morass. Thanks Crystal!
Thanks are in order, to Townswoman Crystal. Thanks to you, as well, for reminding me that iTunes and iPods are different things. I’m curious to learn more of this new technology.