In the tradition of The Beach Boys‘ Party! record, Sloan released their own faux-live party album, Recorded Live at a Sloan Party!, as a bonus CD that came with the initial gatefold-sleeve release of One Chord to Another. In honor of our Last Man Standing: Songs in Which a Deliberate “Party” Vibe Plays as Prominent a Role in the Song as Almost Anything Else, we’re posting Sloan’s Party! album. This is a rare release I bought at the right time that makes me feel slightly cooler than usual. Pretty cool, eh? Enjoy.
Let’s Get the Party Started
I Can Feel It
Dignified and Old
Glitter and Gold
Over You
I Am the Cancer
I Can’t Let Go
Stood Up
On the Road Again/Transona Five
I Wouldn’t Want to Lose Your Love
By the way, as with The Beach Boys’ “live” party album, the “party” at which Sloan is playing “live” is also fake. Someone nerdier than myself, although possibly not as cool (because remember, I bought this special edition CD when it came out), will likely correct me, if need be.
I’m not nearly as cool, since I’ve never heard this stuff before. It probably never occured to me to even try this stuff on vinyl. I can’t remember if I ever bought their first album either. In any case, I like that seemingly “live” version of I Am The Cancer better than the one on 4 Nights at the Palais Royale. Having four vocalists/instrumentalists really opens up the type of covers they can attempt. I mean, I can’t imagine being in a band that could even try that damned Hollies or whatever arrangement on I Can’t Let Go. It’s almost too bad they have so much of their own material.
The latest Sloan album is really quite solid. It really is a return to form of the One Chord to Another years. Actually, I might even like it a bit better. I’m glad they’ve snapped out of that extended neo-70’s schtick of the last few records.
Is the latest one the 30-song CD from a year or so ago? I liked that one more than most since the pretty good Navy Blues.
Nope, the latest album is Parallel Play. I’m not sure if it’s officially out yet, though it’s been circulating on the net for a while now. Thanks for the “party” album in any case! I had no idea that it existed.
You didn’t know that existed, Berlyant? I thought you knew everything! 🙂 Hot damn! Now I feel really cool!
When’s the last time any of you felt cool for owning a limited-edition bonus disc? Here’s your chance to strut alongside me.
Maybe not cool, but smug – I narrowly beat out a fellow Townsperson to buy a copy of Supergrass’ In It For The Money with the bonus disc packed inside at one of those record fair/flea market things back in college. Worth it for “Melanie Davis”.
Incidentally, I hate two-disc packaging for CDs. This one was one of those where the second disc is underneath the regular CD tray, which swings out the opposite way of the CD cover. Those never work, because the tabs that hold the disc in on the bottom always break off. And I hate the normal 2-disc cases that are too big to fit in a CD shelf slot. The only one I have that did it right was the White Album, which is just two separate jewel cases with appropriate white plastic bottoms.