That's cheating, man!
These days politics pretty much disgust and depress me. Growing up I wanted to be Mayor of Philadelphia. No joke. I read books about my hometown mayor, Frank Rizzo; Chicago’s Richard Daley; and those corrupt big city mayors from earlier in the 20th century. I wanted to learn from their successes and mistakes. I wanted to wield power for the good of The People, shape civic pride, throw out the first pitch on Opening Day… I wanted to shake hands with strangers and kiss babies… I wanted to call out Public Enemies for my political gain now and then. Most of my priorities were in the right place. At some point in the mid-’80s, the dream ended along with so many other idealistic notions from my youth. The ’80s were a dream assassin, man.
As politics revealed itself as a world too cynical for even me, Ronald Reagan did usher in one fascinating trend: Presidential Hair. Harkening back to the idealistic coif of JFK, Reagan’s ‘do set the tone for future political campaigns. The humble strands of hair remaining on a candidate like Paul Tsongas would forever be at a disadvantage. The team of scientists and architects behind Joe Biden‘s hairline would be only Vice Presidential in reach. Presidential Hair does not ensure a seat in the Oval Office, but since the triumph of Reagan, each election sets a new crop of hair-hoppers across American campaign trails.
If we ever get around to conducting Townsman alexmagic‘s long-promised election of an international President of Rock, we should prepare for the role that Presidential Hair might play in the race. Simply put: What rockers have the most Presidential Hair? How do we define Presidential Hair as it applies to our future President of Rock? Is Elvis the JFK of Rock Presidential Hair? A particular era in Beatles hair styling?
Chances are the book has yet to be written, but it won’t hurt us to see if we can’t take a peak at the outline.
Nick Lowe can’t run for President having been born in the UK, but in the last 20 years or so he’s had the hair for it.
Perhaps I can be accused of being nostalgic for the “good old days”, but I think that Garth Hudson (http://www.clashmusic.com/files/imagecache/big_node_view/files/images/the-band.jpg),
or 70s era Carl Wilson/Mike Love (http://magic-transistor-radio.tumblr.com/post/5702544821/the-beach-boys-in-the-70s) have been criminally unrecognized for their attempts to pay homage to the presidential beard in the grand tradition Rutherford B Hayes, Benjamin Harrison, etc.
Not surprisingly, Rick Danko, ever the bad boy, appears to have opted for a John Wilkes Booth-like mustache in that same photo of the Band.
Hmm, it says my original comment is “awaiting moderation”.
It has been moderated. Sorry for the delay. As a spam filter, posts containing more than 3 links, if memory serves, get flagged for my review, so I can weed out possible spam. Your comment is an excellent addition to the conversation!
Oh, but the eventual President of Rock spans all nations. Good call!
James Taylor’s hairline is looking more and more like Dwight D. Eisenhower’s these days.
Guy Clark looks like a latter-day Lyndon Johnson. Did you ever see the pics of Johnson after he let his hair grow out? Groovy man.
Nick does have great hair . . . and a new album out this week! Free spin here: http://music.aol.com/new-releases-full-cds/spinner#/24
I long to live in a nation where Rocker Hair like this can get elected:
James Taylor looks like a funeral home director. Or a coin collector. I can’t decide which.
I want a new President Clinton:
But I’m afraid President Glenn Frey is more likely:
And I long to live in a nation where candidates MUST have hair like this in order to run for office: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Hj4neqKqbSw/S7Vfg2675iI/AAAAAAAABxA/N6mbSbSnm4U/s1600/waynecochran.jpg
Most Presidential!
I would prefer President Martin Fry of ABC.
I assume that’s him today on the right? He looks more like a Rock Cabinet member.
Nick is currently sporting Andrew Jackson hair.
That seems more imperial than presidential.
You guys are sexists! I’ve long thought that in all manners of style, Junior Brown’s wife Tanya Rae looks *extremely* polished. Seen here, I think you’d agree she’d make a fine Madame President:
That a before (80s) and after (2000s) photo. They’re both him!
I would for 1970s Linda Rondstadt with running mate Bobby Darin!
vote that is.
Tanya Rae has always had a Jackie Kennedy vibe to her presence. Definitely the classiest candidate (excluding Wayne), so far.
Bun E Carlos is already working the Teddy Roosevelt look. As Mr. Royale just piped in, “He walks quietly and carries two big sticks.”
And Bryan Ferry looks a lot like Rick Perry. Scary.
I wonder if Rick Perry ever looked like this? And did he ever sing about inflatable dolls?
I always thought David Byrne looked presidential. He now has that silver hair, so even more so.
Off-topic presidential comment:
Now that Lincoln Kennedy is no longer playing professional football, my new favorite presidential sounding football player is Chester Taylor.
Here’s his cabinet: http://www.va.com.au/womadelaide/artists/f/Leningrad_Cowboys.jpg
I’d vote for them.
Have you ever seen them in the same place at the same time? Hmmmmmmm?
Is this the link you intended?
He looks like a blond Ricky Gervais in the more recent one.
Yes — thanks!