Oct 122007

First TownBaller to correctly identify this iconic rock garment wins the coveted RTH No-Prize:

You know me, you love me, you wish you could wear me

  9 Responses to “Quick Question: Where Have You Seen Me Before?”

  1. 1 – was this an ebay DNA auction win?
    2 – did someone famous wear this and does it smell like them or like imitation leather?
    3 – is it … a suede jacket?

  2. hrrundivbakshi

    Answers to SallyC’s probing questions:

    1. No. It’s in a private collection.
    2. Yes, and I have no idea. The person in question went through a bit of a smelly, unwashed period, I think; but not when he/she was wearing this jacket. Though it might have a bit of a cannabis pong to it.
    3. I assume so!

  3. Mr. Moderator

    It looks like something Eddie Vedder would have worn to evoke thoughts of Buffalo Springfield and make me want to like him just a little bit.

  4. hrrundivbakshi

    WRONG, Moddie! You of all people should put your thinking cap on and really scrutinize this jacket. I know for a *fact* that you crave it.

  5. Mr. Moderator

    I first thought Daltry, but his had fringe. The “bit of a smelly, unwashed period” rules out Jim Morrison, but how about my man Ray Manzarek? I think he briefly donned the suede jacket.

  6. hrrundivbakshi

    Mod, WRONG again on the Manzarek tip. Here’s a clue: it appears on one of your favorite album covers.

  7. Speaking of Manzarek, Charity and I saw his sideburns walking down Harvard Ave in Brookline earlier this afternoon.

  8. trolleyvox

    Why, that’s the jacket John Lennon wore on the cover of Rubber Soul.

  9. hrrundivbakshi

    Trolleyvox sez:

    Why, that’s the jacket John Lennon wore on the cover of Rubber Soul.

    The judges say:

    DING DING DING DING DING DING! We have a winner! Trolley, you can collect your No-Prize backstage after the janitors have swept up. Thank you.

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