The recent selection of The Rolling Stones‘ lips logo as Rock’s Greatest Logo of All Time got me thinking of images from album covers, videos, and musical motifs suggested by an artist’s recent release that were developed into memorable stage props.
Pink Floyd‘s flying pig, from the Animals record sleeve, is the first stage prop that comes to mind. The Residents have made significant use of thematic props in their rare live performances.
Less memorably, the Stones have wheeled out cheesy inflated versions of the lips logo and giant supermodels, possibly related to some ’90s video of them and the supermodels overtaking Manhattan. Then there’s some legend of ZZ Top touring with cattle on stage. Did this actually happen? Not that I’ve looked too hard, but why have I never seen a photo or video from this tour?

Flaming Lips pull out a lot of props that are tied directly to their album covers and videos, right? Their props count. An old-fashioned psychedelic or laser light show, however, the kind that Jefferson Airplane or Genesis would feature in their shows, does not count.
What are the most memorable stage props that you’ve seen used in concert?
The giant, inflatable “Rosie” that shows up at AC/DC shows. It doesn;t hurt that she also “dances” to the tune.
While we’re discussing AC/DC, we might as well get the “Hell’s Bell” and those freaking cannons off the table. I never understood how that happens at the end of the show. We’re about to rock, guys. Salute us because we are about to get our faces rocked off. By the end of the show we will have already rocked, so there’s no need in saluting us. Either way, there’s nothing like it when those cannons come from the pits of the hell as the opening riff is being played.
We must also never mention David Lee Roth’s most famous stage prop…
David Lee Roth’s most famous stage prop….You mean Steve Vai?
That’s pretty funny right there, misterioso.
The giant inflatable wang on the Stones tour circa 1974.
^^^ I’ve only seen pictures of it.
Does the Stonehedge prop from Spinal Tip count?
Definitely, diskojoe – and those polyurethene pods!
When I saw the Stones open the 1994 Voodoo L(o)unge tour in D.C. at the old RFK, a large goat or goat-like entity on stilts came out, walked around, and exited while the boys played Monkey Man.
Watch this clip and when the sexy backup singer comes out, picture, instead, a large goat on stilts, and you’ll more or less get the idea. I am almost sure I didn’t imagine this, but on the other hand, I was so far from the state I can’t rule out that possibility.
On a somewhat smaller size than Mick´s wang or Floyds pig, I´ve got fond memories of the Ramones´ Gabba Gabba Hey sign Joey always held up during Pinhead. Cue for a roadie in a pinhead dress to come up on stage. Would be a wonderful piece of rock parafernalia to own.
The goat guy on stilts got dropped really fast. I think two shows, tops.
The Stones have had some pretty awesome spectacles. They had these huge propane cannons in 98 in Columbus. It was very early in the tour, and the Chicago show they weren’t allowed to use them. When they shot them off in CBus, holy crap! It was two HUGE pillars of flame, and everyone in the Horsehoe could feel the heat, I’m sure. They weren’t allowed to use them much more. They also had a big bridge that tour, that went out to a stage in the middle. Considering their prices, they make sure to give you something to watch on every tour. I think it was Voodoo Lounge when they played Honky Tonk Women, and showed a huge video display behind them and if you were paying attention, there was a brief shot from a porn movie up there on that billboard sized TV.
I liked The Tubes. The dancing cigarette girls and TV’s were totally fun. They had TV’s all over the stage, adn they were always on, showing something or other. I liked their props the best.
I was thinking that the Residents’ tophatted eyeball-heads would be hard to beat, but I guess they fall more into the category of costume than props. Come to think of it they should have been mentioned in the logo discussion too.
Let’s not forget U2’s lemon. Oh sorry, that would be for the thread on Rock’s Least Memorable Stage Props. I actually am more of a U2 fan than most people here, but that was one of my worst concert experiences ever.
The ZZ Top things was an absolute reality. The critters included a long horn steer, a buffalo/bison, a rattle snake and a vulture. Maybe more.
When I think of stage props I can’t help but think of Alice Cooper’s big furry cyclops.
BigSteve, really? I mean, the lemon was silly, but I really enjoyed the show from that tour that I saw. But I also like Pop, even with its flaws.
writehearnow, I challenge you or any other Townsperson to show me photographic evidence of ZZ Top playing live surrounded by cattle and whatnot. I’m not saying it never happened, but why – after another 10-minute Google search – can’t I find a single image of this tour? I’ll make the posting of a link to this scene worth your while. I thank you in advance.
why Bigsteve? too many canned beats?
was that the “memphisto” tour?
Beastie Boys also rocked a hydraulic dick on Licensed to Ill’s tour. and girls dancing in cages.
can’t find any pics or vids…
but it happened!
Don’t worry, I trust you and the Beastie Boys, kilroy. It’s those ZZers who raise suspicion. Beside, I quickly found an image of the Beastie Boys posing with their hydraulic dick:
Was there a giant can of beets in addition to the lemon? I must have been too far away to see that.
No. I liked Pop too. It was just my first stadium concert (and last if I have anything to say about it), and the whole experience seemed pointless. The sound was incredibly bad, and the discernible lag time between when you saw one of the band members do something and when you actually heard it made the whole thing disorienting.
The people down in front seemed to like it, but they got the sound more directly.
I know I have seen ’em prior for certain. It’s tough because this was mid 70s.
It was the Tejas tour. It’s an absolute fact I know for certain because I have friends that told me about seeing that tour with the steer, buzzard/vulture, buffalo and the rattle snake in the glass pyramid 30 years ago.
As a matter of fact, try even finding a photo of that tour period. I have that new (er) Billy Gibbons hot rod book at home, it seems to me there MIGHT be a photo of the buzzard on stage in that book.
It MIGHT be that there is an animal rights BS thing going on too.
GREAT challenge!
Rob Halford riding (or just sometimes sitting on…) a motorcycle on stage. Did it for years. I wonder if he still does.
^^Yes! I saw Judas Priest last summer and can assure you he still rides the bike out on stage. DON’T EVER go see those guys without ear plugs!
ps. still no luck on the ZZ photos. Did find an abundant amount of referenced information that they did, including the name of the Veterinarian/Animal trainer that traveled with them of the World Wide Texas Tour starting in the 76/77 era, but no pictures (!!!)
here is a decent link:
The hair metal guys were notorious for elaborate staging. The 80s…
Tommy Lee strapped himself into a rotating drumkit. Not to outdo himself, he played a suspended kit that flew over the audience on the next tour.
Metallica had a Lady Justice statue that actually toppled on the Justice tour.
TB.. how could you forget the massive train that blasted through the screen on the AC/DC tour when Rock And Roll Train opened??
Also.. What about Ted Nugent’s bow and arrow routine shooting a massive Saddam Hussein on stage?
Or GWAR’s giant wheel where they tortured and disembowled world leaders and the Pope?
Alice Cooper’s guillotine??
I mean.. the dude cut his head off mid concert!!! That’s a pretty big stage prop!!
Didn’t Elvis Costello do a tour where he used a spinning wheel with song titles on it? A “wheel of fortune” show…
Yes, TB, the Spectacular Spinning Songbook is what I think he called those shows. He also had a caged go-go dancer or two (his then-wife Cait may have been a dancer) and a white-suited, top-hatted MC – a guy who played pretty much that role in the movie Straight to Hell. I saw one of those shows. It was kind of funny, but musically it sucked because he’d play a good song then do 5 minutes of schtick. The show had no musical momentum.
Sid Vicious’ bass.
What about Julian Cope? …I assume he must have had some rather unique props on stage, given photos I’ve seen anyway. Perhaps a weird looking giant or two?
Jon King playing the offbeats in Gang of Four’s He’d Send in the Army by beating a microwave with a baseball bat.
Sid’s bass qualifies (ha!), BigSteve, but not Jon King’s microwave/baseball bat combo. We had a little thread on such instruments a few weeks ago, based on another clip of King playing that part on a metal folding chair.
Pink Floyd’s The Wall tour pretty much existed to support the props, right?
How could have forgotton?
My first Spectrum Concert; DIO!
In the middle of the show, a robot praying mantis flew over the guitarist and started shooting him with lasers.
Then at the peak of the solo, at the glory note, the guitarist points his headstock at the mantis and destroys it with his own laser. it was pretty terrific!
To continue the onstage dick prop – lets not forget the Dickies and Leonard’s talking dick puppet “Stuart”.
Saw Tom Waits in Seattle and he had a one third size 57 T bird a brick wall and something else to lean on, but he was too drunk to lean!