Discounting longtime collaborators in rock ‘n roll who finally split, from The Everly Brothers to John and Paul to Roger and David to Ray and Dave, what are the most regretful, early breakups in rock ‘n roll? I’m listening to Big Star’s #1 Record and some related outtakes, and say what you will about the other two records and Chris Bell’s solo record, the pairing of Alex Chilton and Bell is PERFECT. Bell soothes the restless, frayed Chilton; Chilton lends a testicle to Bell. In a similar vein, Chris Stamey and Peter Holsapple split too soon, and that reunion 128-string guitar workout doesn’t count as them getting back together again. A box off aesthetic salt peter was dumped into the making of Mavericks! Again, though, the last thing I want is for us to get side-tracked talking about that album.
I’d argue that other short-time couples, like Bryan Ferry and Brian Eno, had run their course. No regrets. Can we still be friends?
What about the breakup of Paul and Hamish Stuart? Too short a period of collaboration or just enough time for closure?
I’m sure you’ve got your own regretful breakups to discuss. I look forward to your comments, but remember, no regrets over partnerships that simply ran their course. There ain’t no good guy, there ain’t no bad guy…
Iggy Pop and Ron Ashton were magic together. They waited too long to get back together.
I would say Morrisey and Marr, but actually they probably broke up at exactly the right time, i. e., before they started to suck.
i think the first lineup of the modern lovers ended way too soon. one great album, that was it.
All that you succeed in doing with your all-to-frequent, hollow, isolated screeching regarding the magnificent Mavericks is to make your “authority” suspect.
How can we have serious rock discussions with this kind of continued nonsense.
For regretful breakup I would say, Fleegle and Drooper.
The Libertines’ Barat and Doherty.
I wish the original Television lineup had lasted longer. I’m also reminded of Young Marble Giants, who made one genius album and then were gone. I see that Colossal Youth is being reissued in an expanded edition, but it’s an expensive import (2 discs of music that could easily fit one one). Does anyone know if this will get a domestic release?
I think most bands that have a modicum of success seem to get the opportunity to run their course. Like The Replacements. they never made it huge, but they definitely had every opportunity to run through all their ideas. So I really think the only bands that disappear too soon are probably bands that didn’t make it, or were on the edge of something. Most recently, I was bummed about the breakup of Drag The River. Those guys were really good and just starting to get a little buzz.
But most definitley, one of the bands I really wish would have had an opportunity to do something was The Exploding Hearts. I love their album Guitar Romantic, but by the time I found out who they were they had a real tragic accident.
I’m with BigSteve on Television, too. I’d have liked Rocket From the Tombs to have not turned into Pere Ubu and The Dead Boys, too.
Most regretful breakups for me but, I guess you could say they ran their course: Badfinger and Small Faces (well – everything fell apart with Joey Molland in the band, although apparently he was the only one with any sense to see that they were being taken advantage of) and re: Small Faces, Steve Marriott walking off stage near the end of their set, leaving the band to jam with Alexis Korner and then telling them he was forming Humble Pie with Pete Frampton instead. Gah, regretful for me. Also – Gorky’s Zygotic Mynci!!! Richard James is where it’s at, but there’s nothing like Euros WITH Richard – Oats, have you heard either’s last albums?
You and me both. I finally heard Guitar Romantic for the first time earlier this year and I’ve been in love with it ever since. It’s one of the best rock and roll albums I’ve ever heard. I wrote a review/love letter about it here: