Sounds of the Hall in roughly 33 1/3 minutes.
Can you believe it’s been a year of weekly Saturday Night Shut-In podcasts? Well, it has. This week Mr. Moderator and special guests bring you a very special broadcast coming at you LIVE from Urges in Atlantic City. He’ll share a rare, recently acquired slab of Thrifty Music and be joined by special guests Billy Bob Thornton, who’s written a fun, little ditty especially to commemorate our anniversary, and Andy Rooney.* He’ll end tonight’s episode with all the News From Rock Town Hall.
[audio:https://www.rocktownhall.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/RTH-Saturday-Night-Shut-In-52.mp3|titles=RTH Saturday Night Shut-In, episode 52]Saturday Night Shut-In is the Hall’s attempt at creating a virtual listening party. We talk a lot about music, but how often do we get to listen to it anymore—together? To date Townsman Hrrundivbakshi has manned the board for a few Thrifty Music editions, and next week promises a very special episode curated by the Royales, ladymiss and Mr. with a playlist hand selected by Friend of the Hall Simon Reynolds. I know the Web is loaded with high-tech virtual playlists tapped into Facebook, Twitter, and whatnot, but I continue to invite Townspeople to put together their own SNSI episode to share here in the Hall.
Thanks to all who contributed to this week’s anniversary episode and to those of you who have contributed to shows in our first year. You’ll probably want to share tonight’s episode with the family, maybe even invite a few neighbors over while you’re at it. Enjoy.
[Note: The Rock Town Hall feed will enable you to easily download Saturday Night Shut-In episodes to your digital music player. In fact, you can even set your iTunes to search for an automatic download of each week’s podcast.]
*NOTE: It’s unlikely Mr. Rooney will be able to join us tonight.
The added harmony on We Are the VGPS really added something to the song, but I think now we know why that original version of Heart of the City is so rare.
Gotta run. Billy Bob’s ‘song’ was so inspiring I’m going to go occupy something.
I read this morning that obscure, Wall-worthy Jackie Leven is in bad health. I remembered this Gift of Music from KingEd. Cool tune!
Kudos to Mr. Mod on an especially funny semi-impersonation of Garrison Keillor.
Your timing was perfect.
I also got a kick out of the bizarre Rooney rant, picking on all the 40 year-old acts that today’s kidz are listening to.
Big Chicken Smudge also deserves a big slap on the back for his countrified Lowe classic.
Billy Bob Thornton — well, how much more could be expected from a real Hollywood star? His song says far more than you or I ever could by simply marching and getting arrested. Big ups from me to you, BBT. I know how much you care.
Mr. Royale and I were driving up to the city this afternoon and happened to catch some of PHC. I must say, your Garrison Keillor is much more Garrison Keillor than Garrison’s. (cue applause and fiddle) The only things missing from the show were Gillian Welch and/or the King Biscuit Flour Hour advertisement.
Congrats on the one year anniversary. These are a highlight of the week! I tried and failed to keep a podcast going, so I know it’s a relentless mistress! Keep up the fine work!