Jan 292011
Sounds of the Hall in roughly 33 1/3 minutes!
In tonight’s edition of Saturday Night Shut-In, Mr. Moderator calls on The Power & Glory of Rock to remind him that it’s all right. Along the way he predicts that 2011 will be The Year of the Female-Fronted Band. Finally, a recently pardoned listener emerges from lord knows where to confirm that the show’s request line has finally been repaired.
[audio:https://www.rocktownhall.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/RTH-Saturday-Night-Shut-In-13.mp3|titles=RTH Saturday Night Shut-In, episode 13][Note: The Rock Town Hall feed will enable you to easily download Saturday Night Shut-In episodes to your digital music player. In fact, you can even set your iTunes to search for an automatic download of each week’s podcast.]
Nice show, Mr. Mod! Good gosh, how come I’d never heard that Graham Parker cover before? I am ashamed I didn’t even realize it was him until you said so. At least I recognized the Bangles immediately. I am still not sure I understand the nuances of the Power & Glory concept, but I think that the Move tune exhibited it in spades (I was hearing a very Jimmy Page-esque guitar just before the end, and a sort of Robert Planty vocal somewhere in there).
To me, the clearest influence on Beach House is Opal. And this video provides the missing link between Beach House and Jimbo:
Awesome link, ladymiss. I get Hope Sandoval mixed up with whomever the singer in Opal was (Kendra Smith???). Which group was Sandoval in?
Mazzy Star. But Opal is the bomb.
Kendra Smith. Bass player of one of my all-time fav albums in college, the first Dream Syndicate. Damn I wore a groove in that thing.
Good job, Mr Mod. The GP + Rumour track was HOTT.
And that interesting “Kendra Smith and the Guild of Temporal Adventurers.”
I heard a lot of Rindy Ross (Quarterflash) in that Beach House track.
Who knew Mr. Mojo Risin would be a Sports Center fan? I never stop learning in The Hall.
How did Mod miss the Elizabeth Fraser influence? Jeez!
I like Beach House, but I can’t really distinguish them from Best Coast. Step away from the reverb!
God that Roy Wood song was awful. I was listening to it wondering “What is this shit?” and then I heard the oboe or bassoon or whatever and guessed which shit it was. Whatever the opposite of power and glory is, that guy had it.
Great show — The Bangles flashback was nice — appearing at the Fairfax County (VA) Fair June 11, 2011!
Hmm, I might have to see that.