Sounds of the Hall in roughly 33 1/3 minutes!
This very special Thrifty Music edition of Saturday Night Shut-In is manned—and I do mean manned—by founding one of our founding Townspeople, Hrrundivbakshi! Fans of HVB’s Thrifty Music series have long appreciated the man’s trash-picking accumen. Tonight we get to hear a pile of his recently recovered gems the way they were meant to be heard: TOTALLY LIVE, OCCASIONALLY SCRATCHY, AND MOSTLY DEVOID OF NERDY BACKSTORY. Listen to the music.
Mr. Mod’s been telling you since the beginning of this audio feature that we’d be hearing episodes hosted by your favorite Townspeople and friends of the Hall. Tonight he finally makes good on this promise, so lay off his case, OK? Now why don’t you sit back, press PLAY, and crank up the speakers for the next 33 1/3 minutes or so, taking a guided tour through the refuse of our nation’s capital and surrounding towns with guest host Hrrundivbakshi!
[audio:https://www.rocktownhall.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/RTH-Saturday-Night-Shut-In-14.mp3.mp3|titles=RTH Saturday Night Shut-In, episode 14][Note: The Rock Town Hall feed will enable you to easily download Saturday Night Shut-In episodes to your digital music player. In fact, you can even set your iTunes to search for an automatic download of each week’s podcast.]
I’m not having any luck finding this podcast on i-tunes. I’ve listened on line before, but I’d like to have it coming through i-tunes like the rest of my podcasts. What is the secret search word?
There’s no secret search word, Hank Fan; in fact, I don’t think it’s actually ON iTunes (blame it on my ignorance). Here’s what I suggest:
Take this RTH feed link:
Copy it and paste it into your iTunes’ “Subscribe to Podcast” window, which comes up under the Advanced tabs in iTunes (your iTunes player, that is). Then it will automatically grab each new mp3 posted here and load it into your player. Let me know if that’s not clear. I’ll be back later tonight.
Thanks! I think I get how to do it now.
(There is an easy way to get it listed as an i-tunes. You have to use a service that costs about $5 a month. I did it for awhile.)
Speaking of podcasts, I recently discovered a great one that plays all out of print gems from the rock era:
The host, Ric Dube, is excellent. An example show description: “In the fifth show, Dube takes a contrary position on the Dickies, politely suggests that TV was a lousy way to market the Hudson Brothers and offers evidence that NRBQ beat Steely Dan in a race that nobody ever asked to be run.”
I’m sure this show would appeal to many Townsmen (especially BigSteve I think)
Thanks, Hank Fan. I’ll have to look into that show and the service you suggest.
So what’s the story on The In Crowd and that “Hanging From Your Loving Tree” song? That’s a cool song that could be covered from a few worthwhile angles.
Next time out, I’ll post the flip side, called “Let’s Take a Walk.” It’s a winner, too. I might even like it better. Here’s the sad back story behind — well, I guess not the In Crowd per se, but an affiliated artist:
(Scroll down to the second story on “Jon & Robin”)
Thank you, brother. Now I’ve got to check whether The Five Americans is the band a member of which contacted me about regarding something you wrote about them years ago. The guy agreed to an RTH Interview, then never replied to repeated requests to complete the interview. Bummer.
It is. The Five Americans also recorded for Abnak.
Top notch stuff, Mr. Bakshi. Love that line “I need the numbers of the girls in your town” in that Information song; man, even I’ve never been that desperate. Sounds like one the Monkees could have rocked.
I hope somewhere, somehow, Do The Thing can still inspire folks to jing-a-ling. As Christmas TV Special history teaches us, Santa is the king of jing-a-ling, but it would be truly sad if it were merely a seasonal idea.
YES! Alan’s open desperation is hilarious. And the riff is pretty slammin’.
That’s a great show! Thanks Hank Fan!
Great show, HVB! I especially liked that guitar solo on the one 78 song (I think the middle one?). How did he get that sound, I wonder? I’m pretty sure it’s a lost art to make a guitar do that without all kinds of modern effects. That show was a lot of fun.
Here’s a little excerpt from the podcast, just to whet your appetite:
I really enjoyed this podcast. I love bubblegum, and The In Crowd has got it goin’ on. ‘Hanging from your loving tree’ is such a great metaphor, for what I don’t exactly know. Loved the Merle cast-offs. The SWAT theme was groovy too.
Great radio, I mean podcast, voice btw.
Yeah there were some good tracks on that p’cast, mixed in with the inside jokes. I went back and listened to the 5th episode. I’m not sure I buy the P-Funk>NRBQ connection. The only connection I can see between Steely Dan and NRBQ (besides jazz chords) is that both bands started out hiring a singer with a ‘good voice’ that they fortunately soon realized they didn’t need.
Big Steve, I didn’t mean to recommend the 5th episode so much as the whole series. He mixes in some good lost indie tracks from the 1980s, which I think you would like (although I could be thinking of a completely different Townsman!)
You’re welcome! (I like the RTH podcast too of course…. Didn’t mean to hijack this thread with a competitor, but I’m big on spreading the word about things.)
Hank Fan, turning us onto other things is never a crime or insult! We can’t be insular. I’m hoping to get time to check this stuff out during the week. Thanks.
2000 Man, you are dead on with that guitar solo observation. The first time I spun that platter, I had to lunge for the needle to make sure I had heard what I thought I heard. Talk about tone!
The guitar nerd in me answers your question thusly: to me, it sounds like a typical, tiny tube amp of the day — with, like, an 8″ speaker in it, turned all the way up. Maybe a Telecaster on rhythm pickup blasting away. It’s a beautifully unexpected thing, isn’t it?
Thanks, BigSteve, Mockcarr, and others who said such nice things about this collection. I’ll be honest: it wasn’t curated as obsessively as I planned. Various technical issues prevented me from culling my vast library of trashy music — so these tunes came right out of my last few weeks of thrifting. Future episodes should be even better.
Oh, and I feel moved to comment: this was not recorded at the studio, so it suffers a bit from home recording-itis. Please don’t judge my engineering too harshly!
HVB wrote:
Now THAT’S what I like to read!
Then he wrote:
It sounded fine, man. It sounded great! Your first Thrifty Music edition sounded by The People for The People. I urge others who are considering hosting a future Saturday Night Shut-In (contact me, if you are interested) to strike this worry of our perfectionist friend from your consciousness and do what you can do, do what you feel is worth sharing.
Seriously, hrrundi, thanks for taking the plunge and keep ’em coming – even if they eventually reach your high standards of PERFECTION:)
I am curious, however: do folks prefer bite-sized installments with editorial comment from yours truly, a la the “old” Thrifty Music series — or the far longer, but less commentary-heavy content the Saturday Night Shut-In format enables?
Love that Lucky Dube.
Yes please.
I don’t mind commentary. To me the podcast is the opportunity to make a point or develop a theme, not just play a string of tracks.
seriously, they are both great for different reasons.
Hrundi (“The Party,” by the way, is my favorite movie that can’t be shown on TV anymore due to PC considerations) –
Any chance a brother can get an mp3 of the Alan song “Information” and its flip, “See Susie Run?” I’m doing a research project on Alan Burn and the Tuesday label – Alan’s from my hometown in southern Maine, and I suspect that Tuesday was his own label. He put out a couple other singles that I know of and wrote a few others for other Tuesday artists…
Must have been part of that famous “Long Sands” sound.
Ha, love it!
Dude, like you could hear the influence of the Goldenrod in their songs.
All that saltwater taffy went to his head… (hey, I hear that the hippest joint in town back then was in the basement of the Nubble lighthouse.)
So, you must have Alan ‘Live’ at Brown’s Ice Cream? That rocks. Best bootleg ever.
Ah, but have you ever heard his “Flo’s Hot Dog” jam? That’s some boss sauce right there. Can I get an ‘ayuh?’