Oct 012008

We haven’t done this for some time. Let’s get back to presenting our occasional gallery of Rock Town Hall’s Rock Fan Artwork. Here’s another original from Townsman General Slocum. Enjoy!

Courtesy of General Slocum.

  One Response to “Rock Town Hall’s Rock Fan Artwork Appreciation: Blind Faith”

  1. Sure, THIS one keeps her top on…

Feb 262008

Velvet Wonder (Anonymous), veiled

Rock Town Hall has long appreciated the Web’s wealth of rock fan artwork: sketches of favorite artists, paintings, even body art, such as the huge tattoo of a Bob Seger album cover across a dedicated fan’s sturdy back. Some of these works already grace our pages and rotating banner. Do kids still scrawl rock band logos on their notebooks? Now that’s an early example of rock fan art that’s in need of a future discussion!

In hopes of Rock Town Hall one day being offered original rock fan art for display, we are launching an occasional appreciation of an especially distinctive, moving piece of found rock fan artwork that only a true fan could create. Today’s introductory display follows. We like to call it Velvet Wonder. Enjoy!
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  3 Responses to “Rock Town Hall’s Rock Fan Artwork Appreciation: Velvet Wonder”

  1. general slocum

    Wow. Isn’t that the cover for the hard-to-find solo album by Stevie’s gums?

  2. hrrundivbakshi

    I am quietly proud to have been the first to donate to this Important collection of object-de-art-de-le-people. I hope my gift will not be the last, and I further pray that — with enough participation — we may one day open an entire wing of the Hall to the display of artwork, of both the plain and more perfect varieties. Perhaps, Mod (if I may be so bold), we might place the long-overdue collection of Rock cover art in this place?

    Yours, etc.,


  3. Mr. Moderator

    The long-overdue collection of Rock Cover Art has not been forgotten, HVB. I believe I’m not alone in not yet having the time for doing it up right. Thanks for keeping it in mind yourself, and thanks again for your donation.

    Townspeople, if you have a particularly stunning work of rock fan artwork to contribute – especially a creation of your very own – please send your .jpg to headstache [at] gmail [dot] com. You can figure out how to put that address together, right?

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