I’m going to try something new tonight that’s long been considered but not the slightest bit approached…until I finally put a few hours of work into a Rock Town Hall podcast, which I’m calling Saturday Night Shut-In.
Tonight’s inaugural edition is 33 minutes and 32 seconds of scratchy, old vinyl selections (other than our digitally developed theme song) as well as a couple of snippets of your very own Mr. Moderator’s commentary. (That’s right, I won’t be quitting my day job.) Some of our very own Townspeople are name-checked for their influence on my recent stack of records sitting in front of my stereo!
[audio:https://www.rocktownhall.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/RTH-Saturday-Night-Shut-In-1.mp3|titles=Rock Town Hall’s Saturday Night Shut-In, episode 1]If this in any way adds to our listening and bullshitting capabilities, I’d be happy to make it a running series and encourage you to contribute your own podcasts. Enjoy!
Great stuff Mr. Mod!
I would not have made the connection between Procol Harum and Traffic in a million years, but I guess I can hear some vocal similarities. The Salty Dog album was certainly major for me. Congratulations to geo for getting Mod into Ry Cooder.
And I love the theme song.
Nice Jim! Love the late night vibe (of the commentary, too.)
Great theme song, from my old mate.
Wonderful! I picture Mr. Mod in a softly lit room, with headphones, boom mic, a couple of turntables, a mixing board, and a wall full of loaded record shelves. Very nicely done as well HVB!
I assume you meant like this, Trig:
Thanks for the kind words about the RTH Theme. I wrote it a few years ago, bristling with energy in anticipation of the one and only “RTH Comes Alive!” conclave. I had this notion that all the bands that performed that night would join forces for a “Rockestra” moment and play it together.
Yes, add 40 pounds to the DJ and you’ve pretty much captured it!
I liked this show quite a bit, even though the second half really wasn’t my bag. Was that the Ethiopian version of Tusk I heard? The theme song is awesome! Thanks!
My love for Eric Burdon and War is perverse, but I felt I had to share it with folks. Now that that’s out of my system…
That’s pretty good! I like the little details, like that it’s 4AM in there.
That was very enjoyable. I mean, not the EB & War, that was terrible. But all in all, I meant. I was especially delighted to hear Johnny Rivers’ Summer Rain, which is one of my absolute favorites of all time for reasons I can neither defend nor articulate very well, and despite the over-egged production. It’s a toss up between that song and Mountain of Love as my favorites of his. One of the many, many surprising pleasures of Dylan’s Chronicles was reading about what a huge fan he is of Johnny Rivers. There may not be very many records of his that I would listen to, but those that I like a like a lot.
Yes, he’s very underrated. I love Poor Side of Town. And Secret Agent Man. And…
Nice work!
Where would you start with Be-Bop Deluxe??? “Sunburst Finish” was a dead-end for me, but I really dug “Blazing Apostles.” That album, and one Live cut that I believe I downloaded from here is the sum of all that I’ve heard of these guys. Time for a re-evaluation.
I bought 5 or so of their albums for cheap a few years ago, after I rediscovered an ancient cassette comp of their music that a friend made me in the mid-’80s. I have to pick and choose with them, but I’d think Axe Victim, the first album with the skull guitar on the cover, is the easiest to get into because it’s such a Ziggy Stardust rip. I like Sunburst Finish, but it’s got a lot of needle lifters. I’ll see if I can get time to put together a comp for you this weekend. There’s no killer album, and I’ve failed numerous times in turning on anyone to this band.
That would be cool. I also enjoyed the incidental piece you played during your first voice-over.
Fantastic! This is GREAT and I’m looking forward to more…
Thanks. There’s more to come this Saturday night. Cancel your night out on the town. Tell you mates you’re not feeling well. Stay home and sit beside your computer:)
Better yet, I’ve got some Very Special Guests lining up to contribute!