Jan 112016

On this week’s very special episode of Saturday Night Shut-In Mr. Moderator reflects on his experiences with David Bowie’s lyrics.
RTH Saturday Night Shut-In, episode 146
Rock Town Hall’s Saturday Night Shut-In, episode 146: Bowie’s Lyrics by Mr Moderator on Mixcloud
[Note: You can add Saturday Night Shut-In episodes to your digital library by subscribing to the Rock Town Hall feed.]
Regarding “the church of man[,]love”: even if there were an “official lyric” or for that matter even if Bowie had stated that it should be heard one way or the other, there is no way of not hearing it as at least ambiguous. And, ambiguity being, more or less, Bowie’s bread and butter, I am content to leave it there. Now, ‘scuse me while I get back to making love with my eagle.
Thanks, mod. Enjoyed listening to your thoughts.
Just got around to this . . . and thanks for your comments.
One of the things I enjoy about Bowie’s lyrics is that they can be “fun” and “funny” — mostly intentional I think, but maybe sometimes not.
Probably because of Blackstar’s dark overtones and the shock of his death, missing from many of the tributes is any reference to Bowie’s sense of humor. Of the great rock legends, I think the sense of humor in his musical output is only matched by The Who.