Sounds of the Hall in roughly 33 1/3 minutes!
On today’s early edition of Saturday Night Shut-In your host, Mr. Moderator, reflects on the latest school shooting in Connecticut and allows himself a Bob Costas Moment on gun control. Later he recounts a recent conversation he had with his partner in crime, sammymaudlin, over the old David Sanborn-hosted music show Night Music. If you feel the urge to complain about your host’s getting on his soapbox when all you want to do is rock out, man, please do so in this thread. Hell, if that’s where you’re headed there’s no reason to listen in the first place. Just post your outrage and threaten to boycott our sponsors.
RTH Saturday Night Shut-In, episode 91
[Note: You can add Saturday Night Shut-In episodes to your iTunes by clicking here. The Rock Town Hall feed will enable you to easily download Saturday Night Shut-In episodes to your digital music player.]
Mod, I love your rants, especially when I agree with them.
I was listening to today’s show while attempting to write holiday cards. It didn’t really work for me as suitable background music. I guess I wasn’t really in the place to appreciate the irony of those early track choices. I think I needed more of a balm-like show, so appreciated the Queen and piano tracks at the end.
Regardless, I appreciated that you did a show and got to express yourself.
I would make a joke about the only thing that would cause me to want a gun is that Queen song, but it’s too soon.
I’m with you on the guns, and I think they should tax the hell out of bullets and shells. Snuffy Smith can use a hand full of pebbles instead of a rifle ball to make you respect his soil. Elmer Fudd and his collector friends pump a lot of money into making sure Bugs needs to stay wary as well as rascally. I think a distinction can be made, but it won’t be easy to do.
You’re rant was spot on as far I’m concerned. I’ve noticed you’re lamenting the state of RTH. I don’t think there is anything wrong with the site. Maybe something as simple as a change in layout might spark more interest in new or returning members. If all else fails you could turn the site into a website of contributing writers instead of a music discussion forum.
Unfortunately I couldn’t get excited about a TJ Hooker discussion site, but Charlie’s Angels perhaps….