Feb 162014


Sounds of the hall in roughly 33 1/3 minutes!

Musically speaking, what’s your favorite waste of time? Is it tracking down every Hendrix bootleg regardless of how shitty they sound? Or, fruitless searching on YouTube for clips of The Stone Roses live at Spike Island. Is it annoying record store clerks with requests for every copy of Yesterday..And Today that comes through the door? Arguing with Misterioso?


[Note: You can add Saturday Night Shut-In episodes to your iTunes by clicking here. The Rock Town Hall feed will enable you to easily download Saturday Night Shut-In episodes to your digital music player.]

Playlist after jump


  6 Responses to “Rock Town Hall’s Saturday Night Shut-In: Playing Favo(u)rites”

  1. Wow — that was cool and who knew about the Divine Miss M cover?

  2. misterioso

    Of course, I am always happy to waste anyone’s time arguing, but I won’t argue about how much I like My Favourite Buildings by Robyn Hitchcock and Favourite Shirt by Haircut 100, which I much prefer to Love Plus One which actually charted in the U.S., and Alice Long by Boyce & Hart. Nor do I see any need to argue about how overrated Sugar is or how low Liz Phair phell or how irritating Bette Midler is. Like the man says, it ain’t why it just is. Anyway, good show.

  3. I dug that show, cliff. The song by The Wedding Present was a nice surprise for me. I never know what that band is going to sound like. For some reason I think they’re part of that Nick Cave scene (I guess the “Present” part is what confuses me) – or I think they’re one of those poor man’s Echo and the Bunnymen-type bands, which for all I know may be more accurate. Anyhow, that song stood out nicely! I liked the Boyce & Hart song a lot too, which didn’t surprise me, but I’m not sure if I’d ever heard that before.

  4. cliff sovinsanity

    I always used to confuse The Wedding Present with The Birthday Party, World Party and Robyn Hitchcock and The Egyptians.

  5. cliff sovinsanity

    For some reason, I never took you for a Haircut 100 fan. Sorry you didn’t dig Sugar, but I could not resist playing that Liz Phair song.
    Like Funoka I kind of dug Midler’s version of that song but with all the silliness already included in the episode it was left out. After the goofiness in this show and the previous Passport episode I hope to come back with a more serious effort.
    Glad you enjoyed the show.

  6. misterioso

    Haircut 100 fan might be overselling it, but I always liked that song. I’m sort of sorry I don’t dig Sugar, too, or much of anything associated with Bob Mould, ’cause I’m obviously supposed to, but it all leaves me pretty cold. Anyway, don’t go getting too serious.

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