Nov 242011

It's a free-for-all

On this day of thankfulness and engorgement, I bring you a startling tale of rock/food synchronicity, in the hopes that you might share your own, if you have any to offer.

Not more than 30 minutes ago, I finished butchering the hind quarter of an eight-point deer a friend of mine gave me from a recent hunting expedition.  Feeling peckish after all my carving, I set aside a hunk of the beast to tide me over until the Thanksgiving feast.  After setting my venison stew on to simmer, I took my slab of meat, seasoned it with salt and pepper, and seared it in bacon fat.  As I stood there in the HVB test kitchen, gnawing on my gamey treat, the iTunes randomizer coughed up “Free for All” by Ted Nugent.


I wonder how many of you have had similar moments of food/rock perfection.  If you can’t think of any, perhaps you could share your best guesses as to what Rock flavors should accompany the following items from the HVB-and-friends thanksgiving feast:

Paddlefish caviar

Oysters on the half-shell

Oven-roasted Brussels sprouts

Carrots and parsnip puree

Green bean casserole

Turkey with all the trimmings

Venison bourguignon

Pumpkin pie

Red, white wine


  7 Responses to “Rock/Food Synchronicity”

  1. I’m on my phone at the moment, taking a break between two tremendous servings of everything. Dessert to come in an at, at which time I will make the Wilson Choice. Enjoy tour feast, but prepare for some Steely Dan to accompany those fouffy opening courses you have planned. I sense Rory Gallagher will play through the venison! More later.

  2. tonyola

    Though I have no desire to spoil anyone’s appetite, Billy Joel’s “Scenes From An Italian Restaurant” is the obvious choice for red and white wine. Now on to dinner – a turkey draped with bacon at a friend’s house.

  3. bostonhistorian

    A friend of mine is on the radio in Boston right now, so I’m listening to her.

  4. BTW, my father-in-law is sending us home with some venison he shot. We will be cooking it up Hungarian style! We still need to talk on that subject, HVB

  5. BigSteve

    It would have been more appropriate if Who Killed Bambi? had come on the Ipod.

  6. A variant on this thread? In the following rock duoes who’s the turkey and who’s the stuffing?

    The Glimmer Twins
    Lennon & McCartney
    Lynne & Wood

  7. tonyola

    I’m assuming that “turkey” is implied in the negative sense here…

    Glimmer Twins – Since Richards was pretty much responsible for the Stones’ sound and tried to keep them in rock in the face of Mick’s disco and pop inclinations, he’s the stuffing. Mick is the turkey.

    John & Paul – Not so easy. In the Beatles, they both helped to keep each other’s worst impulses in check. John barely gets the stuffing nod.

    Jeff & Roy – While Lynne is a decent tunesmith, he lacks Wood’s wild and occasionally wayward musical imagination and ambitions. Roy usually erred on the side of over-the-top, so he’s the stuffing.

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