Jul 112008

It is, of course, possible for a ageing rocker to conquer his addictions, as Eric Clapton has proved. But one of Wood’s friends said yesterday: ‘I don’t know that Ronnie will ever straighten out.

‘For him, drinking goes hand in hand with having fun, and he’d rather be dead than be boring. I remember him saying to me when he went into rehab, “The thing is, I don’t want to end up being a boring b*****d like Clapton”.’

Here’s a pretty sad tale regarding the Stone whose fans need not apply to our hallowed Hall. I like Stones-related dirt as much as the next guy, but damn…they shoot horses, don’t they? Ron, don’t go!

E. Pluribus Gergely, this clip’s for you.

Previously, in the News!


  3 Responses to “Ron, Don’t Go!”

  1. BigSteve

    This is a tabloid article, so probably a certain amount of it is completely made up. But if even a tenth of it is true it’s sad.

  2. Is Ron a full-fledged Rolling Stone or is he an employee?

    I’ve always assumed it’s the latter; probably a well paid employee but on salary nonetheless. When I see these huge grosses for Stones tours I assume it’s Mick, Keith, and Charlie getting the lion’s share.

    I ask because of the mention in the article that Ron’s worth is 70 million pounds or about $140 million. That’s a staggering number, especially for a junkie.

    A sidebar to the Daily Mail version of the first link has a blurb about Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana indicating a worth of $1 billion. So maybe there’s a Daily Mail Factor that gets applied to wealth.

  3. 2000 Man

    Ronnie is a full fledged member of The Stones. It took them a long time to make him a full member in regards to splitting the take. If I’m remembering right it was around the time Stripped came out.

    From what I’ve heard, Ronnie is in rehab getting it together for the tour (they just signed with Live Nation), and he needs this tour because he’s broke again.

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