FROM: Milo T. Frobisher, Senior Engineer
TO: Thebackoffice, Mr.moderator, RTH Marketing Dept.
RE: Real Virtuality Helmet
Gentlemen, as you know, we’ve been collaborating with York and Warwick universities on a new, fully immersive personal entertainment device, tentatively called the “Real Virtuality Helmet.” I’ve attached an explanatory diagram which should help illustrate its manifold functionalities — I’m sure you’ll immediately see, as we did in the Lab, how groundbreaking this technology is, and how it might be specifically put to use in the world of popular music entertainment.
We’ve reached a point in the unit’s development were the headset has come out of the lab and is being “designed to market.” At this point, per our previous memorandum of understanding, I’m handing the project back to you for the appropriate market research, to determine how the typical Townsman or Townswoman might be most likely to put this device to use.
For more detailed information on this device, please visit: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1159206/The-headset-mimic-senses-make-virtual-world-convincing-real-life.html .
Please ask your readers to pay close attention to the fact that the device immerses users in a virtual environment that replicates sound, vision, smell and taste — so, presumably, the rock and roll-related environments it simulates should feature elements that stimulate not just the eye and ear, but the nose and tongue as well.
In any case, please keep me posted on responses to your membership inquiries. Once we’ve received sufficient actionable input from RTH membership, we can finalize design.
Thanking you in advance,
Didn’t we originally invent the internet for rock n roll? Everyone just ended up using it for porn, so let’s just put the Real Virtuality Helmet on the shelves of Adult Mart now. Let’s get it pre loaded with cool porn soundtracks, though. I don’t want to have to buy those from iTunes.
Why not kill two birds with one stone — use the helmet as a play-back device for cameras mounted inside various rockers’ leather trousers. That would at least put the “smell-o-rama” capabilities to good (?) use. I shall leave the issue of taste sensors and (look at that diagram carefully) in-mouth delivery systems to somebody with a more tolerant digestive system than mine. I mean, the Meat Loaf Trouser-cam? (shudder, retch, etc.)
Bakshi, I can’t help feeling that this is an absolutely perfect development of your own technological urges. Bravo! It’s so much like what you’ve always wanted that it must be exactly what you’ve always wanted. I hope you’ll consider wearing it on stage!–that would be killer.
Wait a minute, mwall — if I was wearing it on stage, who or what would *I* be tuned into? My own leather pants? I’m confused!
I guess all that was obvious since “meaty” has been declared a taste.
I sense your fever has not abated, HVB.
Be careful; you don’t want to create a wormhole in the fabric of space-time that sucks us all in.
That ain’t no wormhole, buddy!
You could be tuned into–and absolutely–yourself. It’s the American dream and you’re the one who has finally perfected it. I’m more than impressed–I’m stunned and amazed.
Is there a ‘seafood’ option available?
This would be the ideal device for old codgers who complain that “Kids can’t play these days!” and wax nostalgic for the “real” concerts of their youth. It would be even better if we could stick an “i” in front of its marketed name. May I suggest we market it as iV-Real?
I can see (no pun intended) the placement of iV-Real sensors in mosh pits — all the noise, armpit stank, dope smoke and crowd surfing with none of the jostle!