Whether you enjoy contemplating his beard or not, this is your chance to exercise your formidable, rippling brain muscles in pursuit of a special Walter Becker-edition RTH No-Prize, created to honor truly awesome displays of sheer brain power. This space is being intentionally left blank so that you might fill it with some creative, innovative, Becker-caliber thinkery; something that would really make Walter proud. Apply the Heisenberg uncertainty principle to the career arc of Black Oak Arkansas! Write a one-act play from the perspective of Neil Schon’s hair, ca. 1973! Examine the connections between Jacques Derrida’s “Of Grammatology” and Bad Company’s first album!
I look forward to your responses, not that I expect to actually get any.
I wholly support this exercise, Hrrundi! Thank you.
Unfortunately, after my yearly, death-defying act of scaling my 24-ft ladder to clean our gutters and then watching The Squid and the Whale, the Becker-like qualities of my mind are currently blank. The Squid and The Whale, however, was FANTASTIC. It joins a small list of what I consider the greatest divorce movies ever. Totally lived up to what I’d hoped to get out of it.
“so…you like Pink Floyd, huh?”
Thank you for your love, Rocktownhall.
I will be watching from afar.
Speaking of films, “How’zabout a kiss from your cousin Dupree?”
HVB, I know yadig what I’m saying.