Apr 122008

All the fuzzy white and gray tones from the middle-to-right of this clip is purportedly Nick Lowe and Robyn Hitchcock. They’re jamming with Elvis Costello. Pretty cool, despite the longtime Rock Town Hall in-joke of this post’s title.


  4 Responses to “Sadly, Andy Partridge, Robert Pollard, Jeff Lynne, and the Guy from Apples in Stereo Could Not Attend”

  1. Robyn was interviewed and did two songs on The Bryant Park Project yesterday morning. Perfectly charming and personable guy, and once again, I’m confused by this perception that you have that he’s supposed to be this KER-RAAAAAZY!!!1! guy somehow.

  2. Mr. Moderator

    You’re confused because you think I’m still attributing this perception to him. He did culture a Syd Barrett vibe, and he did get A LOT of mileage over how weird his ivsion of a world of sexually charges fishes was. However, the thing I get into with him and the KERRAAAAAZY guy stuff mainly has to do with his fans, who wanted him to be that way and who fed into his ultimately annoying, faux-trippy lyrics. He’s done some good music and he’s surprised me at how charming and personable he seems in interviews, yet in the ’80s he played up a certain schtick and people went for it. I’ve always maintained a SHOW ME YOUR INSANE ASYLUM PAPERS mentality about any artist who plays up that stuff.

  3. As a long time Robyn fan I will say he seems to have toned down the weird-y stuff. Maybe he’s gotten tired of it himself.

  4. Mr. Moderator

    Thanks. Mrclean. That’s been my perception of the situation.

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