
 Posted by
Oct 062008

Will Rock Town Hall survive the 2008 NLCS?

Sammy’s squad:

Mr. Mod’s squad:


  17 Responses to “Showdown!”

  1. hrrundivbakshi

    Locky in a randsride!

  2. mockcarr

    Ugh, Mr. Mod are you going to dredge up horrifying musical memories of adolescence every week for me? Last time it was Mangione, now this, what next, Spirogyra? I had to hear Maynard Ferguson when I was in junior high more times than I had pimples. Didn’t that guy get a lip transplant or something? He plays music for his dog to howl along to – still, he has that fat-guy frontman towel thing going which is somehow endearing. So I vote Phightin’s. Plus I still hold a grudge from 1981. Petty, but true. My grudge against Newman MAY be longer, or “shorter”, if you will.

    Is Gonna Fly Now the “official” theme of Philadelphia? Just to show you what doormats the Nats are, when we lost to the Phillies at home, the street musician perched outside the park played that damned song! Like it’s not bad enough to lose and have get by the fattest fans in baseball who have managed to travel 100 miles or so, no! – I get to hear YOUR song. That obsequious Maynard wannabe will get none of my coin! Wow, he knows a second song after Hail to the Redskins. Wonderful. Worse still, what do you suppose he played when the Mets won? I’m sure the reason he wasn’t there for that Padres loss I witnessed is because he wouldn’t know what to play. I fear unless Walter Johnson has a great-grandson in a sandlot around here somewhere, I will be on the outside looking in at these playoff situations for a LONG time.

  3. mockcarr

    Oh, and to tie up some threads, who dresses more like Prince than that ridiculous “foul line” reporter, Craig Sager?

  4. hrrundivbakshi

    Mockcarr sez:

    I’m sure the reason he wasn’t there for that Padres loss I witnessed is because he wouldn’t know what to play.

    I suggest:

    The Big Mac song? Mwall ought to know what San Diego’s “theme” is; he’s now officially “one of them.”

  5. Mr. Moderator

    Mockcarr, Philadelphians are a little ashamed of “Theme from Rocky” but don’t think we don’t occasionally wake up on the day of a big game with it playing in our heads as we down some (cooked) eggs.

  6. sammymaudlin

    I Love L.A. is what they play at Dodger’s stadium when we win. Depending on the game, people often sing it as they head for the parking lot.

    I’m not a fan of the song, or Newman at all, but damn if I can’t think of one other positive song that is about L.A.

    In my decade plus of living in or near L.A., (I’m now out) I have not once met a person who professes to love the city. I’ve met plenty who love the Dodgers but no one who will stand up and defend the city. Me included.

    Are there any other pro L.A. tunes? How about the RHCP song Under the Bridge? We could all exit singing “The city she loves me
    Lonely as I am
    Together we cry”

    I would be for X’s Los Angeles but I don’t think that would get a lot of support.

    L.A. Woman might be cool.

    But in the showdown between I Love L.A. and the Rocky thing, I’d go with Rocky. I really can’t stand Randy Newman.

  7. alexmagic

    A stadium full of people hitting those chicken-voice backing vocals on “Under The Bridge” would be both impressive and intimidating, but I just don’t think the LA crowd has it in them.

    If LA Woman can be a jumping-off point, Roadhouse Blues would be a pretty kick-ass victory song, in the Dirty Water mold.

    I Love LA reminds me of something discussed over the weekend – what’s the song where you’ve most regretted hearing your city get a shout-out?

  8. hrrundivbakshi

    alexmagic asks:

    I Love LA reminds me of something discussed over the weekend – what’s the song where you’ve most regretted hearing your city get a shout-out?

    I reply:

    Gotta be JaBo’s “Dancing In the Streets” — though at least I can take solace knowing that I don’t hail from “the streets of Brah-ZIL!”

    Thanks for your thoughtful post, Mod. As soon as I come up for air, look for a response. Should be soon. I’ve kept you guys waiting too long.


  9. what’s the song where you’ve most regretted hearing your city get a shout-out?

    Philadelphia Freedom

  10. Mr. Moderator

    “LA Woman” should definitely be the theme song of the Dodgers – much more kick ass!

    I’ve realized the song they usually play at Citizens Bank Park after a hometeam victory is “That’s the Way I Like It”, which is lame.

  11. hrrundivbakshi

    I LIKE “Phildelphia Freedom”!

  12. Aren’t you supposed to be doing your homework?

  13. alexmagic

    I’ve realized the song they usually play at Citizens Bank Park after a hometeam victory is “That’s the Way I Like It”, which is lame.

    I think they usually play the Blues Brothers theme, which is equally lame and kind of baffling.

  14. Mr. Moderator

    I think you’re right: they do play “Can’t Turn You Loose” – isn’t that the title of the tune you have in mind, Alexmagic – as an alternate? The Phils need a Phillycentric tune for fans to exit the park following a win. I’d probably vote for “Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Now” – or better yet that 1976 Phils theme song.

  15. what’s the song where you’ve most regretted hearing your city get a shout-out?

    “Please Come To Boston” by Dave Not Kenny Loggins

    I think it says something instructive about the locals that the song that plays after the Sox win at home is “Dirty Water,” a song originally intended as a dis.

  16. dbuskirk

    “what’s the song where you’ve most regretted hearing your city get a shout-out?”

    “Sailing to Philadelphia” by Mark Knopfler and the entire Marah catalog.


  17. mockcarr

    Billy Joel calling out Hackensack in Movin’ Out.

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