In honor of Peter, Paul, and Mary’s Mary Travers, who died last night, what’s the first “drug song” you were aware of as a child? By “aware,” man, I mean, like, cognizant of the fact that adults around you were mumbling about the song’s true meaning. As a young boy, I was aware that “Puff the Magic Dragon” has something to do with smoking…something. A couple of years later, I started hearing about the “true” meaning of “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.”
Considering the demographic of our regular participants, it wouldn’t surprise me if these two songs end up being the first two gateway drug songs for the majority of us. However, rumor has it that some of you may not have been shaving until 1980 or later. What would younger folks’ first gateway drug songs have been in the second half of the ’70s, the ’80s, or – if our youngest Townspeople care to participate – the ’90s?
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