Despite my well-known resistance to the burgeoning Apple iTunes Empire – or perhaps because of it – within weeks of my wife switching us from a PC to a Mac, a representative from Apple contacted me through RTH Labs to gauge my interest in participating in a Phase II study on a digital weight-loss program that is tentatively titled iLose.
I was initially flummoxed by Apple’s interest in my participation, but I could stand to lose some weight, and the promise of a steady supply of preselected, potentially weight-loss promoting tunes was hard to turn down. If nothing else, I figured, I’d get turned onto some new music, get a chuckle out or two, and stick it to the iMan by mocking this experimental program for the benefit of Rock Town Hall. After 3 weeks on the program, however, I’m becoming a believer.
The playlist from my most recent iLose session follows. Consider it a trial version of this possibly revolutionary weight-loss program!
“Clear Spot”, Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band
“Walkin With A Mountain”, Mott The Hoople
“Riot Industry”, Cobra Verde
“Blow Daddy-O”, Pere Ubu
“Allah Wakbarr”, Ofo The Black Company
“The Blue Mask”, Lou Reed
“St. George`s Dragon”, Baby Grandmothers
“Ship Of Fools”, The Doors
“Amazona”, Roxy Music
“You Baby”, The Turtles
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