Jun 042010


People! I ask you — no, I beg you — to watch the above video, starting at around 1:00, and observe until the end. Take a moment to formulate an opinion, free of bias. Once you think you know how you FEEL about this rock combo, please head out to the following web address to learn a bit of back story about the band in question:


At the end of this long journey of discovery, please tell us what you think of the band in focus, both pre- and post-backstory. Speaking for myself, I can honestly say I have never experienced a performance that so completely filled me with equal portions of seething hatred and earnest enjoyment. I am in such deep spiritual torment I think I ought to check myself into a monastery, or a loony bin, or something. This band has completely shaken my faith in everything.

I look forward to your responses, and… help!



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