Feb 012013


There’s a detail from a photo of some Rolling Stones pinball game that sometimes appears in our rotating banner. Have you ever noticed that? The other day this image popped up for me and I noticed the words “Watch It!” near the image of Mick Jagger. You can see it in context in the second image at the following page I finally found, which includes multiple perspectives on this game. I thought about those words for a second, wondering what I might be watching for. Then it occurred to me: Is “Watch it!” the opening phrase that Mick exclaims before the riff of “Jumping Jack Flash” kicks off? Considering the game features Stones-related phrases throughout its face, perhaps that is the reference. I’ve never known what he says at the beginning of that song!


I learned that there were multiple versions of Rolling Stones arcade games. This cheesy Start Me Up version is not remotely appealing to me.

This is a pretty excellent game.There’s at least one KISS pinball game out there. They’ve probably branded a douche.

It figures there are Beatles pinball games, including Yellow Submarine and Beat Time. A driving game involving the Abbey Road album cover may have been interesting.

Did Bally ever make an actual Who Pinball Wizard game? You would think that would have been a gimme. Here’s an interesting nod to the cinematic Pinball Wizard. Perhaps this was Bally’s way of getting around licensing issues. Oh, look here! Pete Townshend must have had a stick up his butt against officially licensing his song to Bally. An even more blatant workaround follows:

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