Are there albums you let your friends buy?
When you’re young and short on money, when you’ve got plenty of free time to hang out with friends and tape (as we did) or burn/load (as The Kids do) stuff from your friends’ collections, there are some albums you let your friends buy.

From my own experience – I’m sure you have your own and are chomping at the bit to share – let’s start with 3 albums by artists I loved and had been loyal to…to a point:
- Elvis Costello & the Attractions, Almost Blue
- The Jam, The Gift
- The Rolling Stones, Tattoo You
I had to bypass Almost Blue. I was afraid of country music, and I was afraid of hearing my favorite band waste their time and mine playing cowboys. My friend Andy, who liked country music less than I did couldn’t resist and bought Almost Blue. I appreciated his friendship and the money I saved on an album I would never love.
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