I’ve got a quick question that’s been nagging me. Perhaps someone has stats on this or at least their own impressions to share. Has the length of new albums released on CD gotten back to the standard vinyl-era lengths of 40 to 45 minutes and 12 to 14 tracks?
Remember when CDs were constantly running over 60 minutes, with at least 5 tracks you knew you would never listen to if you were anywhere near your CD player? Remember when some of us snobs would reply to charges of “poor taste” demonstrated by these epic CDs with a [sniff, adjusts Pince Nez], “You know, the only reason the vinyl albums you old farts treasure so at their typical length of 40 minutes is because of technological limitations.” Am I the only person who’s wondering whether artists are accepting the fact that albums usually work best within the 12-song/40-minute scope of vinyl-era releases for reasons other than technology?