Who ARE they?
This is an early photo of a very successful band. But who ARE they?
This photo and quiz were passed along by Townsman cherguevarra.
How many of the following album cover ‘dos can you identify? Full credit will be given for naming the person and album, but we’ll give partial credit where due! This quiz is divided across 2 sections.
Part 1:
Hair, Pt. 1
More hair pieces…after the jump!
How many of the following rock hands can you identify, by artist name or album cover?
Need more? After the jump…
Hey, gang!
So I just got back from SXSW—the “interactive” one, not the music one. While I was there, I stopped off at a trailer selling Thai food. I noticed a promo shot on the wall from one of my all-time favorite bands, and I said to the gentleman manning the trailer that I was a huge fan. He immediately extended his hand, said he’d been waiting for years for somebody to recognize the group, and introduced himself as (DELETED), the band’s bass player. He then gave me a plate of free food, offered me a pile of free band swag if I came back the next day, and then came out from the trailer to explain the real history of the band.
Now, the reason I can’t tell you who this guy is is because this particular band jealously guards its secret identity, and its reputation as a freaked out country-punk cult phenomenon. I promised “Mr. X,” the bassist (not his real, nor his stage name) that I would keep his current whereabouts, and the history he shared with me, a secret. I will tell you that I was astonished to learn that many of the band members were actually former members of some very prominent SoCal musical outfits of the ’60s and ’70s, including one featured very recently in an RTH thread. If you knew this band’s music like I know it, you’d be as shocked as I was.
I realize all this may be too cryptic for RTH relevancy, but I feel compelled to share. I swear I’m not bullshitting, and Townsman mockcarr (whom I couldn’t help but call in my giddy excitement after Mr. X and I had our lengthy chat, and to whom I spilled the beans) will back me up on that. I’m posting the photo to prove the encounter really happened, and to give everybody but mockcarr the opportunity to guess this man’s identity.