Mar 042011

In our recent Who Is It? game there was some disagreement over just how iconic Nicolette Larson‘s upturned chunky sandal was. It turns out, however, that I wasn’t the only Townsman to have had that image driven into his brain. And I’m not a foot fetishist, but it’s interesting what the mind can retain. My guess is that some of you will be able to identify more than half of the following feet. Collectively I wouldn’t be surprised if you can name all but one. What do you think?

Walk Before You Run





Too easy for you? Try our next level!

Mar 032011

No, not the dancer in this video, silly, but the following musicians, either in their recently aged state or presented in cropped fashion from an iconic photograph from their prime! Are you ready? Let’s start with a relatively simple one to give you confidence. Most likely no clues are needed:

#1: Who is this distinguished, cheerful, award-winning veteran rocker?

 Easy enough, right? Let’s try some more. Foot fetishists beware of our next photo!


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