Nov 102007

I’m always on the look out for sites that showcase LP/CD and related artwork. Here are some links to checkout:

Record Envelope
LP Cover Lover (my favorite is above…)
Blue Note Covers Gallery
Album Cover Art Gallery
I suppose I must link this over-linked Worst Album Covers page.

Sadly one of my favorites – a large collection of Bollywood LP covers seems to be offline now. Please post some links to good LP/CD art in the comments if you have any…


  4 Responses to “The Art of Rock Links”

  1. Mr. Moderator

    Cool sites, Mrclean! Not a week goes by that I don’t miss album sleeves.

  2. dbuskirk

    Hell, I was hoping for mp3 of that LP above! Film scores from that double-necked beast? My imagination is salivating…

  3. Mr. Moderator

    Go to 44:12 in this WFMU archived show and you may quench your imagination’s thirst!

  4. dbuskirk

    Different, but maybe better than I thought; some really beautiful, slowly building stuff. I bet they sell opium in the parking lot outside of this guy’s shows.

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