Feb 112007

Following is the Official List for tracking the Obligatory GRAMMYS Momemts this evening. You may download it here. Please don’t feel limited to this list. Report back as you see these moments develop. Report unaccounted for moments as well. If you’ve got something to contribute and you’re not yet registered, please do so here!
Now, onto the list!
- Bleep: First artist to get BLEEPED during presentation/performance
- Curse: First artist to slip a curse word by the censors
- Dubya: Great anti-GWB tirade
- Dubya: Lame anti-GWB tirade
- Foreign-language acceptance speech
- Global Warming: Lame speech by airhead chanteuse attempting to “smart up” by referring to global warming
- Heartland Rock Presenters: John Mellencamp/John Fogarty (alternate: Bob Seger/Kid Rock) joint presentation of some “heartland rock” award
- Hollywood celebrity crossover moment (eg, Jim Carey and Jenny McCarthy presenting an award for Best Comedy Recording by a mammal
- Hook: First presenter given the hook for going on too long with acceptance speech
- Ill-informed Presenter: First presenter who clearly doesn’t know all the acts up for the category (forgivable mispronunciations by illiterates don’t count)
- Internet/downloading: Lame speech references to the Internet and its effect on the music industry — extra points for tired jokes at Metallica or Al Gore’s expense
- James Brown: Presenter/award winner shout-out to James Brown
- Lord: Award winner/performer thanks the Lord
- Lord, Alternate: Award winner/performer thanks a lord other than Jesus, such as Zeus or Poseidon
- Suit: Appearance by “suit” carrying briefcase from sponsoring investment firm
- Suit: Lame attempt to “fun up” the introduction of the accountants with the suitcases
- Tears: First teary-eyed acceptance speech
- Thank you: First artist who proclaims, “I have so many people to thank!”
- Thank you: First artist who proclaims, “Oh my, I had no idea I would be called up here – I hope I can remember all those I’d like to thank!”
- Trip: First person to trip getting up on stage
- War: Performer who offers the most awkward and inelegant “I’m for the troops, but against the war” to court both liberals and conservatives
- Wasted: First acceptance speech by wasted artist
- Billy Joel: Surprise Billy Joel performance of new song
- Bowling pin alignment: Each time a Beyonce/Shakira/Jessica/J-Lo/Fergie of the night employs the bowling pin alignment dance arrangement: Big star in front, 2 dancers behind her, 3 dancers behind them forming a triangle of dancers all doing the same steps
- Help: Will there be a singer who does not exhort the crowd to help them?
- Holstering of prop guitar by lead singer
- James Brown: All-star tribute to James Brown (led by Red Hot Chili Peppers and Sting)
- Lip-synch malfunction
- Marching band: Inclusion thereof
- Robed choir: Artist joined, in mid-song, by a robed choir
- Slash: Lame attempt to bridge the hip-hop/classic rock divide by deploying Slash somehow
- Sting’s slow-motion prance, long coat flapping as his knees kick up, during an instrumental break in “Walking on the Moon”
- Turntable: Extraneous turntablist/scratcher
- Hotter than Expected: First performer you now realize is hotter than you’d initially thought they were
- Lionel Ritchie’s too-close-cropped beard
- New Look debut (eg, new hairdo, new facial hair, new boobs)
- Not as Hot: First performer you now realize was probably never as hot as you thought they were
- Over/Under on Stewart Copeland’s drums: 11
- Rock Hat: Drinking game suggestion: one shot/bong hit for each lame Rock Hat clearly deployed to cover up baldness
- Wardrobe malfunction
- 2 points: Spot somebody who covered a Seger number
- 3 points: Spot somebody who collaborated with the Seeg
- 5 points: Spot anybody who played with/produced Seger
- 10 points and automatic victory to the first Townsman/Townswoman to report an Actual Seger Spotting
On the very first award, they started to play the music to get Tony Bennett to shut up.
Mary J Blige just thanked the Lord.
They showed Lionel Ritchie for the best R&B record
How was Ritchie’s beard?
I caught the Tony Bennett music cue. How ’bout that plug for Target? We hadn’t considered that possibility. Consider is checked off!
Mary J Blige thanked the entire Trinity, didn’t she? Impressive.
Who else is in the house, so far?
MJB also thanked everyone in the industry after Gawd. I think she had more names she never got to before they hustled her off. I saw multiple index cards.
I’m in and out – I’ve noticed more and more commercials now that have the psychedlic rock theme. What’s with the bank commercial sporting In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, 13th floor elevators for verizon (i think), etc. Someone kill sappy Justin T. Is this the first Grammy Awards to do something as hokey as that song contest a la AI – what’s that all about?
Anyone have a favorite among the American Idol-type women competing to sing with Timeberlake? Based on looks alone, I was going afor the third one, but the second woman was the most impressive singer in her 7-second soundclip. I called in and pressed 2.
Speaking of Timberlake…
I was actually going for 3.
Wow. Extreeeeme close-up.
Does Samuel L. Jackson in a hat hiding his receding hairline count? I think that was Samuel L. My TV has kinda fuzzy recep.
All the guys in Justin’s band are wearing hats. Are they all bald? What Look is that? Jazz Age Pimp?
Ornette Coleman spotting.
Man, was that Timberlake night-vision self-love act creepy or what?
Has Pink been doing time in a woman’s prision?
Justin playing piano? Impressive? Now he’s filming himself with a portable camera. I *pray* he does a litle beat box – too bad the sing eneded.
Now Pink is onstage talking about The Doors. Lifetime Honoreees. How long will it take for Ray to mention “Jimbo” Too bad they are on to another award.
Justin playing piano? Impressive? Now he’s filming himself with a portable camera. I *pray* he does a litle beat box – too bad the sing eneded.
BTW, what’s the “personal drama” behind Mary J. Blige? I’ve heard this hinted at for years, yet I continue to know squat about her. (More thanks to Jesus!) Ooh, I think one of the “thank you” things was just hit.
Jesus/Lawd is really not being impartial if he’s going to be giving all the awards to Blige. What was all the negative talk that she mentioned rising above?
I liked the “for all the slow people,” comment;) Laughed out loud.
Jeez, How fat has Stevie Wonder gotten? I know he doesn’t have to look at himself in the mirror naked but man, he need to lose a few
I’m for anyopne named after a continent.
No comments on The Dixie Chicks? I thought their performance was pretty good.
Another thing to look for are country or older musicians who play with hip indie-looking musicans.
Re: Mary J. – possibly this interview in Vibe has something to do with it? Speaking about Pink (“Has Pink been doing time in a woman’s prision?”) what’s up with that guy K-Ci and the Whitney-Look (*shudder*)
Ha ha ha;)
After Justin T and John Legend, I’m wondering if Elton John is this year’s role model.
For Performances: as an afterthought – song montages! OOoh and clapping in the middle of songs. That’s always “emotional”.
The Look was all wrong. Ball gowns? The guitar player chick was wearing a dress so short her guitar hung down lower than the hem.
I’m for Elvis & Allen but…
John Mayer obviously knew he was going to win. He almost headed to the stage when they announced him as a nominee. What does being “in the room for every song I ever wrote” mean? He’s your stenographer?
Is it just me, or does that Shakira song seem like it’s 3 years old and are The Eagles *really* America’s favorite rock band?
I think he has a ghost writer like in the movie “Music & Lyrics” he’s a closet member of “Pop!” and yeah, that was kind of a stuffy ego-trippin’ speech, and who wants to vote for a jerk like that. Especially some dude who wears his own concert t-shirt while performing on stage. What’s up with that? John’s Look says, “I know I’m John Mayer and that’s all you need to know.”
The new Entertainment Weekly has a little piece on Mayer that almost made me vomit. For some reason the article was centered around the odd “Based on what happened to Jimi, Janis, Stevie Ray, et al, I’m totally into my sobriety, but I like to get totally wasted every now and then. It’s cool: I have it all planned out.” Wrong on so many levels!
Pyramid dancers!!!
Was that a pyramid after the Hindu multi-armed god effect?
Wrong, wrong, wrong!!! Completely. He’s putting himself in their company…? Gag. Vomit-inducing indeed.
Okay, is anyone else annoyed by Herb Alpert playing with Black-Eyed Peas?
I say the cheesy multiculturalism of the Shakira number is the closest we’ll get to thanking a god besides Jesus.
Oooh, good call. Any chance of someone like Beck thanking L. Ron Hubbard?
Here’s a thought: because The Shins made it into a number two spot for their newest album Wincing the Night Away, would they be included in next year’s Grammys? How many albums do you have to shift to be Grammy-worthy? It’s a blip, isn’t it.
The Dixie Chicks didn’t mention GWB in their speech, but I bet Rush Limbaugh and his ilk will be expressing outrage about the Song of the Year award all week.
Yes, I think The Shins’ new one would qualify for next year’s GRAMMYS, or maybe the 2009 GRAMMYS. In my extensive research for this weekend’s events, I saw something about this, but now I forget what I read. I think it had to do with an album qualifying for this year as far back as 2 Novembers ago, meaning November 2005 through the end of October 2006.
Sweet! Although I’m still not convinced that it’s better than ‘Oh, Inverted World’ or even ‘Chutes Too Narrow’.
Oooh – first militia representation on stage! What are they trying to say? Crazy name does not always equal good. He kinda looks like the black Karl Rove in that outfit.
Maybe I should have said Captain Stubing.
I LOVE Common. The best.
And lastly, I would like to thank, ‘Oprah, Bill O’Reilly, and the alphabet.’ Awesome. He did his speech so much better than Mayer as far as egos. But, who is “poon”?
After seeing Gnarls Barkley and all the other big production numbers, I think there should be a new award — Spending More Money on Musicians, Dancers, and Lighting for your Grammy Performance Than the GDP of Any Country Nominated in the International Category
“But now I’m in love, and for Mary J. Blige that’s rare.” Referring to herself in the third person definitely made clear who it is she loves the most.
A Lifetime Achievement Award for Opera Divas? Quick — get Tarantino on camera one!
First trip by Martie Maguire!
Yeah, I was kinda lost on that one too.
Herself being in love with, err… herself, right? Wait…
I don’t know who the Dixie Chicks’ boyfriend/escorts are, but wasn’t it a little weird to put the camera on them while the Chicks were speaking onstage?
This whole MJB thing is downright bizarre. Seriously, what’s more out there: Stevie’s stream-of-consciousness, plants-have-feelings-too sermonettes from the 70s or this bizarro self-referential shit? And look — she just ain’t all that! The songs are unmemorable, she’s a second-rate Aretha, if that… I just don’t get it!
MJB: utter crap. The music world has gone fucking insane.
I love Reba’s accent and Look tonight. Very elegant.
And actually – I kinda dig Mary J, even if she’s got all that crazy rumour thing happening. She’s no Aretha, definitely. But her Look tonight was great and her song was good until she got into that second part.
Great song/performance and Look for Carrie!
Aaaah!!! Rascal Flats doing Hotel Califonia!! Someone stab me! Terrible. Someone I used to work with loved this band. It was terrible hearing her gush about them all the time.
Air Guitar!!!
Hotel California — karaoke night at the Holiday Inn on Frontage Road.
We used to say that about LaSalle (a neighbouring county of Windsor Ontario) – but it would be Karaoke night at The Chateau LaSalle.
Sally C/BigSteve: you are both right to voice your disgust at the Rascal Flatts debacle. What a load of crap!
Funny enough, it was on Front Road. Ha ha. Seriously.
Okay, seriously? Is this the Country Music Awards – or did I miss the memo?
Re: Carrie Underwood’s “Desperado”:
Dreadful. Now I remember why I never watch this show. The pain I endure for RTH’s sake!
Yeah, I’ll agree with that. Cheese. But the first number was pretty good. It’s getting worse though.
MAN, do I hate these bullshit studio ace drummers they bring in for this stuff. Terrible!
Okay, now I’m actually laughing at these Rascal Flatts jokers. That singer is awful — the anti-everything cool that a singer should be!
Maybe next year they can honour the Night Rangers and do a celeb singer version of “Sister Christian”. Sounds good, no?
Woah – what *was* that in Imogen Heap’s hair??
Aaaargh! The obligatory melismatic utterance, at the end of “Life In the Fast Lane”? Unbelievable!
From the ridiculous to the sublime — Ornette! The greatest musician so far on the stage AND the best outfit!
Thank you “Simon Fuller” WHAT? Gag!!
Ornette’s looking smooooth.
This Carrie Underwood is good…although “Desparado” will kill any buzz.
This Rascal Flats band – my god, I’ve never seen such a thing. The singer was obviously in that Florida-based chicken rancher’s stable (or, actually, whatever chickens are kept in) of Boy Band prospects and then got transferred over to the contemporary country scene when Boy Bands went out of fashion. (This jam on “Life in the Fast Lane” is unbelievably bad – The Great 48 is missing out as he has his head buried in those Howard Jones-Thomas Dolby outtakes.) And this Rascal Flats band itself must be a front for rural kids who want to break free of their roots but need a somewhat “country” band for their parents to think they’re listening to. It’s moments like this, when I learn something about our nation that I otherwise would never know. This stuff’s not covered on NPR.
Re: Gnarls Barkley – Rowland Gift put on a lot of weight. I’ll have more to hammer on regarding this band after I catch up.
Go Carrie!
Was Ornette having to announce that field of contestants the payback from the industry for his freeing jazz? I never realized he was so short and/or Natalie Cole was so tall.
OMG Will Ferrell and Jon Heder together in Blades of Glory!! Okay, completely unrelated.
Carrie, you’re right: it *is* unbelievable.
Sam Jackson, it’s time to move on from the backwards Kangol hat!
Re: Reba – always a joy. Her sitcom’s not bad when there’s nothing else on.
Sondra had a good point re: Mary J. Blige’s tattoos. No one considers whether the tattoos will go with an evening gown should they ever get nominated for a GRAMMY.
Christina Ricci: Could she make men feel any more guilty for having “scouted” her talents in early roles like the surprisingly excellent flick she did with Cher, Wynonna Ryder, and that little, apelike British actor – Bob someone? Was the film called Mermaids?
Boy, Smokey’s voice is kind of suffering (and I hate to say that. I love this song, and Smokey).
Ain’t that the truth!
Smokey’s voice is mostly still there, but, if I’d had that much plastic surgery, I don’t think I’d be singing “take a good look at face.”
Bob Hoskins rules! He just did the BBC’s folk awards!
I’m outta here. My wife has switched off the Grammy’s for Law & Order.
The Lead Singer of Rascal Flats makes me ashamed to be one too.
Hello? Is it me you’re looking for?
A L&O rerun at that. Ouch!
See ya Andy!
A dream comes true! Lionel playing “Hello” on live TV? Someone post the *amazing* video from back in the day — you know the one where he sings “Hello, is it me you’re looking for?” to a blind girl!
Ritchie’s beard! Man, I can’t stand this guy.
By the way, was the trip by the Dixie Chicks, er, chick the first trip of the night? Like Samuel L. Jackson and that Kangol hat, it’s time they move on from the goofy, rebellious sisters of country routine. It gets tired.
Who’s worse Lionel Ritchie or Billy Joel? I say Ritchie.
Ritchie or Phil Collins? Ritchie!
Who in god’s name is this guy?…WEBSTER appearance!
Hey, that pit of preselected “fans”…who’s behind that? Think they could stick a black person or two in there?
This guy Chris Brown can dance; great schau, but… lousy song!
That’s TERRRIBLE! Did that really happen?? Was it a Make-A-Wish foundation thing? My friend is a session artist in Toronto and played on two specials with Lionel and he said it was hard to concentrate because nothing was plugged in for Canada A.M. and Canadian Idol.
Okay, I’m a sucker for Christina and she’s cleaned up her Look A LOT.
Okay, THAT’s fucking cool! Christina Aguilera emerging from the stage pit to sing THAT song! VERY cool!
Chris Brown’s horror movie/minstrel show/cheerleading competition routine was … I’m not sure, what was it?
The producers probably feel that the pit makes the Grammys more current – more interactive
She’s the obvious choice for the obligatory James Brown tribute. I was hoping for Gwen Stefani. I thought that WAS Gwen Stefani till I read the comments.
Andy, yer still here! BigSteve, that routine was… in a word… “bad”.
Shame the Aguilera *performance* didn’t match the coolness of the song choice.
Definitely, very cool. She has such fantastic vocal range and song style.
I don’t know, the performance didn’t hit me either way. Just her singing was great.
How many 45-year-old, white rock critics will be creaming their jeans this week over Xtina’s performance right now? I will say that I find her among the most fascinating of mega stars whose music does not interest me. She’s the anti-Gwen Stefani, to me. They’re both kind of homely/awkward, desparate, and driven with enough chops and energy to overcome their painful high school experiences. Since making it, Aguilera seems like she’s not interested in now being part of the “In Crowd.” She’s still looking for heads to bite off, cool girls to get revenge on. Stefani, on the other hand, has become the enemy.
Ugh. I really despise the music of GS in comparison to my (closeted, I guess I’m out now!) appreciation for xtina’s songs (at least her more recent ones – *not* Genie In a Bottle crap)…
For future events we’ll have to create our own “pit” on Rock Town Hall.
Ah, the President of the Academy…Who???
These high school musicians should be playing in a Korean deli as a sign of racial unity. (A joke, by the way.)
Telethon time! The phones are waiting for you to call…!
That was so worse than my Dame Edna crack.
Ha ha
I did’t know Syd Barrett died!
Man, I need to see more Desmond Dekker footage!
CLASSy move with the cape — but who was that anonymous hoofer trying to upstage the King?
Having some jerkoff dance in front of footage of the Godfather was an outrage, but the cape thing was cool. Was that Bobby Byrd?
No, that was his longtime emcee, whose name escapes for now.
If I’m ever stuck in the backwaters of second-rate entertainment (and talent), I GOTS to get hooked up with David Spade’s agent. Why hasn’t that guy dried up and blown away, Piscopo-stylee? Mind-boggling!
Philip Bailey, freak show pipist!
Man, you can’t fool me, EW&F. Y’all ain’t playin’ nothin’ back there!
The children! Save the children!
My head hurts.
Ha ha ha ha, those candles… the children, yes.
Hey, I just added a new poll on Our Lasting Image of the 49th Annual GRAMMY Awards.
Re: Death Montage
I was thinking that I should pick up a Greatest Hits album by Freddy Fender. What do you think, A-Dogg (our Greatest Hits expert), BigSteve (as a Southerner, I by no means intend to compare him to a Texan, but THe Great 48’s sitting this one out)?
I hate James Blunt. What is this crap? I just had a friend explain the joys of this to me in the car two nights ago and how it touched her soul. I had to nod my way through the conversation. It was VERY hard.
Does James Blunt’s dedication to Ahmet Ertegun qualify as a tribute to an Alternate Lord?
What are the odds that this guy’s immediately forgotten second lp will come out of the gates with a “heavy” single, to let us know he’s not really such a wuss?
Man, I had no idea this James Blunt guy had had the insane stalker freakazoid eyeball thing going on! Career-deadening performance, this.
Watch it, he’s old chums with a member of The Back Office!
Did I hear a gunshot during Blunt’s performance?
My vote is on “yes”.
Has anyone else noted that the Don Henley tribute was officially longer than the one for James Brown?
Though the cape thing was quite classy!
This has been mostly painful. You guys, however, have made some great, hilarious comments. Well done!
Cosimo Matassa getting honored totally rocks!
The ghost of Ahmet Ertegun shooting himself?
SallyC, THAT was funny!
(blush!) thank you, thank you;)
What the…? Who paid for that classy Prince thank-you?
Are you all seeing Prince’s “thank you” for watching the halftime show commercial? What do you think about that move?
It’s like watching those fake Rolling Rock apologies. I’m still not sure what that’s all about either, but I do know that I like the flying guitar ape.
Wait, is that number 3 or number 2?!
The pressure!!!
Oats, my man! I did notice the discrepancy between the Henley and JB tributes.
Ooooh, here’s the AI-type chance to sing with Justin Timberlake…First impressions were correct. I had her picked, man, and then I changed my vote.
YES!!!!!!!!!!! I sense a holstered guitar moment from this “mult-talented” ass kisser!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think you mean “multi-talented, my ass”…
I don’t know if he had enough good stuff on his own. You could always get a Texas Tornadoes comp.
I sense a partial “the running man” dance coming on.
Wow, Timberlake avoided the holstering move. Surprisingly Classy! It’s hard not to at least appreciate this guy.
I like how this winner came prepared with prerecorded backing tapes.
Who’s this extraneous rapper guy? When will that schtick die? I’m checking off another Obligatory Moment that we forgot to add to the list.
Straight guys: how much easier would it be to appreciate Timberlake if he were a semi-homely woman rather than a semi-homely guy?
ha ha ha ha
Re: Tarantino/Bennett:
Mostly Tarantino.
Here’s Tarantino: Man I hate this guy! On the other hand, I love Bennett. I hope he gets to sing and look off into that world where only Tony Bennett and actresses in 1940s movies seem able to look.
Okay, another one should be added to the Look of the performers – amount of changes in costume. The Dixie Chicks? Really? Album of the Year? Really?
The “mastermind” DJ guy in Gnarls Barkley – does he always have a Jeff Lynne Look going on?
Let’s see if Natalie Maines says something “outrageous” with QT up there to impress!
The geeky engineer gets his moment in the sun!
Dixie Chicks: First “I don’t want to leave anyone out of my thank you’s”? Now they’re getting The Hook! We need to have a new category for Triple Threat presentations, in which one winner manages to check off 3 categories.
How ’bout Maines “running out of jokes,” as she calls them?
Still no Seger Points to be collected, are there? Or are we not paying enough attention?
Commercial break: Good time to vote in the Lasting Image poll.
Hey, I missed chunks of the first 10 minutes. Did I miss The Police? Have they broken up already?
Ha ha ha ha!!!
Actually I was thinking the same thing. I’m all screwed up because all of the google grammy news posted seem to say that they played… I’m not sure what’s going on.
First BLEEP! Thank you, Chris Rock!
Yes, you missed the Police. They played a weird version of Roxanne — there was a long bit of spacey improvisation after the first verse, but I don ‘t think they sang all the verses. Maybe Sting forgot the words.
RHCP: I swear these guys have written and recorded the same freaking song, over and over again, for the last 10 years!
First bleep by Chris Rock? I’m laying a Benjamin that the Red Hot Chili Peppers will slip in the first actual curse word.
Anthony Kiedis’ hair is looking good. I’d love to know what conditioner he uses.
Frusciante’s short hair is shocking. Is that a New Look debut, or have I simply been out of touch re: their Look?
All this said, is this song going to go anywhere?
This RHCP performance *really* blows!
Did Sting do the “happy skank”/moon prance during the jamming sections? Any Longcoats in evidence?
Man this RHCP song really blows. I think it’s time to roll out the GRAMMYS Gone Wild innocent lesbian-lite threesome to try to muster a hint of excitement.
I’m supposed to be talking about this performance tomorrow ’cause why? Useless!
Al Gore joke time…Look: Al just told it himeself:)
I feel the exact same way hrundi. Completely.
If Garnier has a swiss formula, I’m thinking that’s it.
When do we pick up our Benjamin? 😉
Tie-in to global warming!
I’m disappointed no one’s protesting Tipper’s ’80s labeling efforts, man!
A-HA! There’s your climate reference!
Tom Petty released an album this year?
Oh, for fuck’s sake. It’s Jethro Tull all over again.
“I love my momma, thank you all”? Oh for fuck’s sakes.
Yeah, it looks like I’m out a Benjamin. These guys have totally wussed out, man – here comes the “I love these guys” part, though, so at least I win $5 for that minor bet.
That’s what happens when you have a frontman instead of a vocalist.
You gotta give the Peppers credfit for rigging up a huge handwriteen banner saying “Love to Ornette Coleman,” or something like that (they kept the camera off of it).
I nominate Kiedis’ fake glove things as Look Crime of the night.
“I nominate Kiedis’ fake glove things as Look Crime of the night.” I second!
Do we get a prize for sitting all the way through that? The 49th Grammys were, in a word: awful. Good thing I like you, Mr. Mod.
I wasn’t really planning on sitting through the whole thing either, but thanks for making it so fun guys!
scarlett johansson singing tom waits – thoughts?
Oh, wait, it wasn’t over!
it’s never over.
Don Henley, you are not allowed to give “shout-outs” to anybody.
Other presenter, whose name I have already forgotten: Cleveland!
One of my greatest developing disappointments as an appreciator of “The Arts” is finding myself grow increasingly UNattracted to Scarlett Johansen despite my natural impulses.
These Dixie Chicks badly need a stylist!
This Henley guy is a major turd. Just the way he announced the Album Of the Year award makes me want to punch him in the nose.
She’s “not ready to back down”
She seems perfectly willing to “front up,” however. A good thing!
HEY. Just started here on the west coast. Woooo! You guys are gonna party on thru with me… right?… Guys…?
Listen … that’s the sound of Justin Timberlake firing his entire management team.
Oh crap, should we have written *spoiler alert* near the top for Sammy??
On the local news just now they announced that, although you didn’t see it on the show, Irma Thomas won her first Grammy.
“Spoiler Alert”? Did someone get shot? That would be cool.
That’s so weird, was she on before The Police and they just cut it?
I’d like to thank you all for making this, by far, the most fun I’ve ever had watching this miserable event. We’re getting all sorts of offlist e-mails thanking us for the work we’ve done, the smiles we’ve brought to faces.
Let me tell you, had it not been for you, I would have watched enough of it to stew privately and impotently. I think I’m not alone. After what we’ve been through, I sense A Change Is Gonna Come.
Coming next month, if you can stand it, we’re planning on another event centered around a rock event more in our wheelhouse: The Rock ‘n Roll Hall of Fame spectacular. I promise you that the work we did tonight will pay off like a mofo come that night.
Shortly, I’ll shift you over to our After GRAMMYS Party.
[Cue music for “the hook.]
Sadly, we report not… unless you count the ghost of… oh wait, I already did that one.;)
Alls I know is that the big story on the local news is running under the headline: “Human Foot Found.” All kinds of hilarity has ensued in that headline’s wake, e.g.:
– “So, Chief Wiggum, would it have been possible for, say, a speeding motorist to have thrown that foot out of the window of their car, into the dump?”
– “Authorities say there is no way to determine the race, gender or age of the presumed murder victim from the foot in question.”
This is MUCH better teevee than the Grammys were, for sure. Where did that foot come from???
Many of the more interesting categories don’t make the broadcast. Irma Thomas won Best Contemporary Blues Album, and Ike Turner won Best Traditional Blues Album. Springsteen won Best Traditional Folk Album, and Bob Dylan won Best Contemporary Folk Album.
Sammy and other West Coast viewers, party on! We’ll hold off on the After GRAMMYS Party with U2. Enjoy the show, and keep the good stuff coming!
I’m sure a lot of East Coast viewers will be checking in with comments after getting home from those all-important parties.
Ahh – that’s awesome, but it seems like it wouldn’t have gone on longer to include them if they were the only ones not shown. Thanks BigSteve
Yeah, I saw that Flaming Lips won a Best Instrumental award. A few other things scrolling beneath the main event seemed more interesting.
A lot more interesting than some of the mish-mash that was up, that’s for sure.
There are many MANY categories. A complete list of nominees, with the winners highlighted in red, is at http://www.grammy.com/GRAMMY_Awards/49th_show/list.aspx
Crazy! Thanks again, BigSteve.
Apologies I didn’t watch and participate in the bashing, but mad props to you guys that did. I just read through the comments, and feel like I watched the whole show (in a good way)on fast forward. Very funny, and helpfully descriptive commentary.
I saw only one Grammy thing the whole night. The Police opening the awards, and I’m stunned that this hasn’t had more comments. Knowing the age and demographic of most of the RTH members, I’d have thought the Police would have been the performance most scrutinized. I found it enjoyable. No bullshit, obscure, or sentimental tune. Right into Roxanne that everyone knows. (was that it? were they done for the night after that, or did they return?) Sting and Stewart looked great as middle aged rockers. Back to the bleached blond haircuts. Stewart was athletic in his spiderman looking wet suit playing enthusiastically and seemed to get just as much camera time as Sting. Andy Summers looks like Eric Idle now. No extraneous modern guest stars, just the 3 piece. Come on, better than expected due to it’s complete orthodoxy.
I will say this about the Police (in addition to agreeing with your points): for a three-piece, they sounded full and wanted for nothing in their stage presence and live “sound.” Compare and contrast with the Chilis, who sounded dull, lifeless and comparatively “empty.” Just goes to show you which band knows how to write for itself.