Feb 192008

Mr. Mod said I have the technology, so let’s try it out.

As a follow-up to the We Are The World thread of a few weeks ago, here’s Dylan rehearsing his part. In case you can’t make it through all 9-plus minutes (I thought it was fascinating but then I’m a Bobcat), d* If nothing else, do go to the 1:20 mark of this Best of the Making of clip to watch the stilted hug between Bob and Lionel Ritchie.

*[NOTE: The original full-length video was removed from YouTube!]


  4 Responses to “They Had to Practice to Get That Good”

  1. Mr. Moderator

    If I’m hearing right, I love how Stevie Wonder imitates Dylan to show Bob how he might sing his part!

  2. hrrundivbakshi

    Yeesh. Lionel’s monologue was especially cringe-worthy.

    Oh, how I wish I could find the Martin Short/Jackie Rodgers Jr. bit where he deems Lio-NELL Richie (man) to be the best new recording artist of 1990.

  3. alexmagic

    I think both Stevie and Quincy Jones are breaking out their Bob Dylan impressions at one point, while Dylan seems mildly confused. The implication, to me, is that Michael Jackson must also have a Dylan impression that he used to show Quincy how that part was supposed to go. Maybe there’s Thriller documentary footage on that new 25th Anniversary thing of Michael, Quincy and Vincent Price all sitting around doing their Dylan impressions.

    My favorite parts of the above clip: Dylan finishes his part and tries to back away from the mic, but gets caught with the headphones still on (this would have lost him points in the “Who Won We Are The World?” thread if it’d made it into the video), and check out the 1:25 mark, when they show Springsteen apparently getting way into the song, swaying alone by himself.

  4. Wow. I had forgotten that there is a Springsteen Vocal Approach more irritating than his current Woody Guthrie imitation fallback. For self-parody, I’ve gotta nominate Bruce as the winner of the unannounced Who Lost We Are the World? contest.

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